View Full Version : Heightened sense of smell

04-05-15, 01:33
Does anybody else find they have too powerful noses!
It's ruining my life lately. I smell EVERYTHING! I've obviously got some chemical sensitivity but what is causing this is worrying me. I can't stand the smell of smoke, makes me dizzy and nauseated. All cleaning products are chemical free or I may just go nuts from the smell!
It's really making me feel run down and horrible having such issues with smells.
I need help

04-05-15, 04:49
Anxiety causes the senses to sharpen so your ability to smell will increase.

There have even been studies of how anxiety increases your ability to smell for threats:


So, if you are staying more anxious for longer periods, it could bother you.

Studies have also found that the area that processes smell, the olfactory, works with the area that controls emotions during periods of anxiety. So, this is going to cause issues with linking smells to emotion and to memory. Anxiety also causes smells to intensify and neutral or non smelling things can smell negative to you. See this study:


So, aside from reducing overall anxiety levels so that this subsides how about putting it to good use and trying something relaxing whilst having something nice smelling around? You can also then use that nice smell when anxious which may help to reduce anxiety levels as it will be linked to relaxation in your memory.

04-05-15, 06:50
Thanks Terry, interesting reads

03-12-15, 17:26
Hello Lostinthought,
It seems to me we have the same bloody noses:mad:
I think it's called hyperosmia, I've had it for about 6 months already and it's not getting any better. My doc started to treat me for depression, but I think that depression (if I'm depressed at all) is triggered by this smell issue that is ruing my life.
Please, tell me how are you doing, did you manage to get back to normal?
Thank you:yesyes:

03-12-15, 20:58

Not sure if this is any help but my moms friend worked in a care home and to ease the smells they would spray perfume or the like onto finger tips then quickly put them to your nose and inhale deeply. This puts the fragrant smell first and can lesson unpleasant smells, no idea if it works but maybe worth a try


03-12-15, 22:11
Dear Chocolateface,
Thank you very much for the tip, but the problem when you have hyperosmia /very strong and hightened sense of smell/ is that you literally can't stand any smell at all, at least it is how I feel. Only the smell of coffee, fresh fruits, bread, chocolate, etc. foods are bearable. Oil, perfumes, soaps, all other beauty products, even creams are killers for the time being. I am having a doctors appointment on Monday, they will test me with some olfactometer stuff and I hope there is cure for my situation. I'm going crazy lately, don't see the point in stuggling in this smelly world... Hopefully there is a solution, I want to believe.
Anyway, thank you for your thoughts and all the best.
Take care and be healthy!