View Full Version : Newbie!

06-09-04, 12:27
Hi Everyone.. *waves*

Firstly I would like to say what a great site you have, really informative! :)

My name is Claire, I have had Panic Disorder for ten years. In that time I have been agrophobic and taken medication although not for long periods of time. In the beginning I suffered with attacks upto 20 times a day, often waking me from my sleep. I now live with PD and I cope with it, in my own way. Im guilty of the avoidance thing, but also if im determind to do something I face my attacks, depending on how I am feeling at the time.
Yesturday, after a row with a friend I told him what I had, he accused me of being a hyperchondriac as I said I was ill (my usual excuse when I dont feel upto doing something or going somewhere!!) I laughed in his face, told him I had PD and told him to go look it up! He said to me 'Ive never known you to have panic attacks' - typical reaction, Im accustomed to hiding them well, are you all the same?
I very rarely tell people as it seams so irrational to them and very hard to explain to someone who has never had an attack!
Im really happy I found this site, not only to talk to other suffers but if I can help anyone in anyway, however small then I would be happy to. Its great to know were not alone!

Claire. x

06-09-04, 13:27
Hi Claire ,

Lovely to have you on board. Welcome.

Do have a good look around and lets see if we can't help you to improve your situation a bit more even though you do really well to cope with it .

Do you know what your triggers are ?

Are you currently having any treatment ?

Its so hard when people around and close to us do not understand what is going on and don't even want to find out more .


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

06-09-04, 13:55

No im not having any treatment, Ive have had propranolol a good few years ago, which helped reduce the symptoms but not take them away. I have tried Seroxat, which made me feel so sick (the fear being one of my triggers) that they only lasted a day.. as I couldnt stand the feeling it gave me which in turn made the attacks worse... the worst 24hours of my life! I tend now to cope myself, I have my own safety nets so to speak, I know what I can and cant do. Im not against drugs, but I fear the side effects more....catch 22. I have had councilling, talking through my fears helped a great deal, most of them starting back in my childhood. Over the years I have learned how to deal with certain situations and try to face them the best I can.
My triggers are the fear of being out of control, being sick, new places, strange situations, tiredness and stress. I like to drive everywhere, do things my own way and I hate to feel pressured of if I have let anyone down.
My family know I have this and are understanding to the extent that they can be, if I am with them I tell them Im having an attack and they ignore me, which to be honest is a relief, I cant stand being fussed over.
I still suffer with attacks, and I am resigned to the fact that I probably always will, but I can deal with that and them. Sometimes things are good and sometimes bad but I know I can get through the times when the panic is at its worst. Im glad I found you all :o)


06-09-04, 14:44
Hi Claire

Welcome to the forum. It seems like you have coped really well to get to where you are now. I think we are all guilty of avoidance.

I know how difficult it is when people who should be close to us do not understand. My family has never understood and I hide it from them now.

I hope you find being here helpful to you. Everyone is very friendly.


06-09-04, 15:01
Hello Claire

Welcome to the Board

You sound like you have worked out pretty much what causes your attacks and how to deal with them.

I know how you feel about avoiding going places sometimes. That was one of the worst things that I did. Now I just go there and still feel pooh.lol

Looking forward to getting to know you. Everyone here is lovely


06-09-04, 19:18
hello Claire,

Welcome to the site - I'm sure you'll find loads of help and support here!!

Sarah :D

06-09-04, 19:54
Hi claire

Just want to say welcome to the site.

Jill :D

06-09-04, 20:14
Hi Claire

Welcome aboard. Great to see that you live a few miles from me cos we can meet up and exchange panic stories lol.

You sound as though you know your limitations and that is good. I think we all know what we can and can't do.

You may find some help her to get you the extra mile and cured at last.

Have you had chance to look at Meg's First Stept post as there may be something under there that you hadn't thought about trying. (it is under the "Welcome" topic at the top of the forum page).

Good to see you here and I will contact you about meeting up sometime.


06-09-04, 21:34
only found this site myself a few days ago. Its great!!!! For the first time in my life I have found people who know what i'm going through. Thanks to everyone.

06-09-04, 23:47
Thanks to everyone for the welcome! Its been great, I havent stopped reading it all day! lol


07-09-04, 00:14
Hi Claire

Can i firstly say how great it is to hear someone so positive. I have told my whole family what i'm going though, but it is so hard because i can tell they dont believe i have an illness as such, it not something you can see well not all the time anyway and i do hide it well. Its great that my family care so much but they ask me now all the time how are feeling? are you ok? and its like i say Yes but i actually want to say NO and its not helping you reminding me of it every five minutes. But it shows they care.
This is a great site though and with great information and support, i often come on here when i get a bit panicky and it helps to calm me down reading of others whom suffer the same.
Stay positive


07-09-04, 12:04
Hiya Claire,

I just wanted to say welcome to the site!!

It is always a great relief when you find people are in the same situation and fully understand what you are ging through
