View Full Version : Seeing stars?!

24-01-07, 07:58

Having a particulary bad day today already!

Woke up and got out of bed and instantly felt lightheaded as I so often do, it usually goes away but today it won't. I can kind off see stars and shapes like nothing will stay still in front of me. Its hard to describe. I tried to do some yoga but it only made it worse. I instantly thought my blood pressure is high like I can feel the blood pumping round my head and in front of my eyes but apparently you can't feel whether your blood pressure is high or not so it can't be that. Plus I am young health and reasonably fit so there is no reason why it should be.

I know I shouldn't panic about it but its really hard.

24-01-07, 09:14
Hi Cazza, it's unlikely to be blood pressure problems, more likely to be anxiety. I often find that I can't do Yoga when I feel very anxious, and it's better to do some when you're feeling ok, then you've built up the resource. If you're worried about the physical symptoms it might be worth popping to the doctor or nurse to put your mind at rest.

Keep in touch.

Love JO x

24-01-07, 11:16
Hi there

I have this too - i think it's anxiety related in me sometimes (especially the ones i get when i wake up) sometimes i see "stars" bright flashes, floaters and all that is anx. I do every now and then get a similar thing at other times of the day and then it's more pronounced. My GP says those could be occular migraines bought on by stress. (i used to get "proper" migraines in my early 20's - the aura then the whopping headache)

The pronounced eye disturbances is like looking through a kaleidoscope - moving triangular type / geometric patterns or sometimes a flickering in my eye. I have on occasion even lost a section of my visual field too - it only lasts a few minutes or less but at first it really scared me. (BTW there is a website devoted to migraine art some of it is really amazing!)

I don't get the headaches with it but apparently occular migraines are quite common and nothing to worry about - although they are scary at the time (especially if you get health anx!) and can leave you feeling a bit washed out afterwards or tired.

I am being treated for TMJ syndrome and I have read that migraines can be caused by that.

Also lack of good sleep brings mine on I think.

I think there is medication for it if it gets to be a problem - although i take 2 paracetamol when i get them sometimes just in case a headache follows!

If you are worried i would visit your GP, they can check you over and put your mind at rest. I went to my GP and she recommended I got my eyes tested too - the optician checked my eyes thoroughly and gave me a visual field test - all fine!

Hope you have a good day

24-01-07, 12:01
Hi Cazza

I get this too, can be very worrying but have been told its anxiety causing it. I sometimes get it worse the next day if i have had 2 or 3 glasses of wine the night before, which in my case i put it down to mixing alchohol with medication.
Heres a few posts that may help too .

FLOATERS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2211)
Floaters (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4556)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

24-01-07, 21:52
Hi Cazza,

I get this too some days when my blood pressure drops.
