View Full Version : fuming to be honest

04-05-15, 21:23
3 nights ago I had a stonking panic attack and called an ambulance, the very nice paramedic wrote me a cover note and said for me to go to out of hours and see the doctor to hopefully get a small supply of diazepam so I can get some calm/rest couldn't get in my docs as bank hol

the cover note explained how agititated I was etc now ive had about 10 x5mg pams in 3 months so its not as if I ask reg for them

however to my surprise upon going to out of hours and explaining politely what had happened with the evidence provided from the paramedic they don't give out prescrips for diazepam as people sell them on the street I also get the impression doctors look down on paramedics

im a bit livid tbh theres a bloke here who genuinely just wanted a few days restbite form feeling this way and they wouldn't give me some...... any yet all the full on druggies come out the pharmacys on first name terms with carrier bags of drugs

04-05-15, 21:37
Did the doctor give you any diazepam?
Do you have to go back to get some every time you need it?
Can you get it over the counter in pharmacies?

Maybe you could start getting them off the black market :)

04-05-15, 21:44
yeah I have to go back to my gp each time im booked in Wednesday hell give me 7

bit of a joke really my mom went in and said she couldn't sleep and they dished her out boxes of tamazepam

maybe I should try that one

ive tried the black market lmao

04-05-15, 21:50
It's policies that they've been told they have to have. Sometimes people are not good at doing things on a case by case basis, and they'd rather have a hard and fast rule to follow to save them thought processing time and energy. Sounds like that's what happened at the doctors. Sorry that you lost out.

Maybe if you keep going to the same doctor, after a certain number of times they will see that you are for real and you aren't a drug dealer...?

04-05-15, 21:55
yeah I know the nurse at the hosp kindly explained....its ridiculous though my medical records clearly state ocd panic disorder etc and 3 month stint in local st georges

thanks for replying

04-05-15, 21:57
St Georges is down the road from me! Do you mean the one in Tooting?

04-05-15, 22:03
no Stafford think theres loads of them throughout the country became a pool shark when I was in there I tell ya:yesyes:

05-05-15, 04:41
Yes, it is annoying but not as annoying as the fact the paramedic was right and the nurse you spoke to was wrong.

There national guidelines for this which shows Diazepam is allowed to be prescrided in emergency via the OOH service for psychiatric emergencies.

https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.swast.nhs.uk%2FDownloads%2FSW ASFT%2520downloads%2FUrgent_Care_Service_Formulary .docx&ei=bTtIVd-aK87vaN22gbAF&usg=AFQjCNEDa0J7MNIiUnq0OmQUU8hINahhjg&sig2=AOr3jYhHsnW5vDe7OhHG0Q&bvm=bv.92291466,d.d2s

Unless that has changed, the nurse lied about the reason because thats not a mistake since she gave a reason for it. If something has changed, the paramedic got it wrong and inconvenienced you.

Is this another tale of incompetence at Stafford hospital?

05-05-15, 08:42
it seems it is terry although it was Cannock same thing

everytime ive been took to hosp I always find the paramedics great and understanding, then when I get to hosp I always feel like the nurses and docs have a "you shouldn't really listen to much to what the paramedics say attitude"

also the paramedics ecg pads stick like glue the hospital ones fall off total incompetence