View Full Version : Meriva Coil Embedded in my uterus, terrified

04-05-15, 22:00
Had this cool put in on 2 Feb 15 and went for routine check up on 28 March 15 which is required to check threads in place. The nurse couldn't find them so I was referred for an ultrasound scan on 20 April 15 where I was told that the coil wasn't in the right place and embedded in my uterus. I am terrified now, I'm constantly bloated and have weird period type aches and pains and I went bs k to the Doc who said it sounds like IBS. I'm a wreck with anything medical and always faint as my anxiety goes loopy, scared of the procedure and keep thinking the worst, hate anxiety 😢

Has anyone had the same or similar experience?

05-05-15, 23:59
They will need to get it out but its not all that uncommon, the coil moves and can venture off, once its out all bloating and pain should go away!

06-05-15, 07:56
Thank you you're probably right. I went to the doctors yesterday as I felt so unwell with a temperature, he checked my urine and found blood and white cells in which is infection basically. Now I'm panicking thinking its relating to the coil and whether I've a uterus infection or such like and that I'm being treated for the wrong thing, I've lower tummy ache, feel sick and shivery, when I'm unwell my health anxiety gets so bad I hate feeling like this.