View Full Version : Endoscopy tomorrow and I'm freaking out

04-05-15, 22:12
I've never been knocked out before so I'm worried that my body will react to it in a bad way and I won't wake up or something. But I also don't want to be awake for it because I'm not sure I could handle knowing something is going down my throat like that.

And then I'm worried about the results that may come from this. I know I'm not going to sleep tonight and I have to go in by 5:30am. I'm going to be a mess and I'm sure that if I get so much as a sore throat or slight fever after the endoscopy, I'll be convinced he cut me or something and go to the hospital.

04-05-15, 22:19
I was in your position. I actually didn't get knocked out and instead opted for just the throat spray. It really wasn't bad at all, and this is coming from someone with quite a sensitive gag reflex! I also got a sore throat afterwards which is 100000% normal. Don't worry though, you'll be fine. It really isn't as bad as you think it will be :)