View Full Version : tongue doesn't rest in my mouth

05-05-15, 01:50
Hi, i posted this before to no avail. My tongue does not rest in my mouth at all, it has caused me mild discomfort for the past 6 months and i am lost as to who I should contact about this. I would greatly appreciate any advice.


05-05-15, 13:42
Hi Brian,

What exactly do you mean? Does it feel uncomfortable/out of place and can't sit comfortably in your mouth, or does it twitch/jerk and won't sit still? Or something else?

It could just be that you're overly aware of your tongue and it feels like it won't sit nicely, but either way the best person to ask is probably your GP.

Take care :)

05-05-15, 18:10
Hey emily, I meant that I constantly have to hold my tongue in a certain position in my mouth all day otherwise it doesn't rest anywhere at all. It happened because I got a pretty bad cut where my tongue normally was and so I made a conscious effort to not place my tongue on the area. But after the cut healed I tried to relax my tongue and now it doesn't seem to rest as it normally did. I'm getting all these weird aches in my mouth too probably because of the pressure I am placing on my tongue to remain in its original place. Hope that clears it up a bit. Thanks for the response :)

06-05-15, 07:18
Hi again,

I think this is just the result of you being overly aware of your tongue. Try to distract yourself for the time being and hopefully it'll stop bothering you.

All the best