View Full Version : ibs or ovarian cancer so scared

05-05-15, 02:02
For a few weeks now i've been very gassy and bloated and constipated, i'm worried cause it's in the pelvic area. I had clear ultrasound last april a clear pap in august, i'm so worried i got ovarian cancer. I don't know what to do my stomach feels so heavy anyone please what's wrong with me?

05-05-15, 19:41
Its likely just digestion related stuff, but get it checked out by a doctor is possible for some peace of mind. Could really be anything from a bowel obstruction to a food intolerance.

I know what it's like to immediately have your brain go to the worst possible answer though. And as easy as it is to say rather than do, just try and take a few deep breaths and relax.

06-05-15, 03:40
Thanks :)