View Full Version : Insomnia caused by anxiety

05-05-15, 09:55
I'm tired. Can barely read the computer screen even with my glasses on. It's almost 4am and I'm still awake. What am I waiting for? The sunlight.

At first I thought it was just insomnia. I've had it every now and again for years. Perhaps just I'm not tired enough yet. However, it has been months since the last time I've been able to sleep for more then 5 hours at night.

I caught myself looking at my window one day, the morning light was starting to shine through, and I had a disturbing thought. Sigh. I can finally sleep.

It was like I had been holding my breath all night long. Pacing towards the window or door anytime I heard something outside. I live in apartments and noises can be constant. I had some sort of anxiety. Of what, even I don't know. It's like I'm expecting something bad to happen.

But as soon as I see sunlight outside I immediately feel safer. I can finally sleep and not have nightmares. I still cannot stay asleep longer then 5 hours. Even in the day time.

Does anyone else suffer from this sort of anxiety?
Have you been able to successfully fix it?
I would really like to sleep all night through for more then a day.

05-05-15, 10:39
Does it constantly slip bit by bit? If so, I seem to recall a sleep disorder that fits to that.

I can understand the impact of this on your life because I too have an issue in this area that causes me to stay up later & later but its not the same because mine is due to my OCD. I tend to find my body will wake up more the closer to my 24hr cycle I get and it would literally have me staying up 16hrs one day, 22 hours the next and beyond. So, my days have become my nights and vice versa.

Not the same issue as yours but I can understand the being up all night and then missing a lot of the day. For me, at its worst I have been going to sleep at about 2pm and getting up 5 hours later. I could sleep much longer but I can't afford to because the later I get up, the more tempting it is too my obsession to make me stay up even later.

Do you think it is actually about sleep itself? Does the actual sleep differ between the 2? Or is there some fear behind it that you don't feel you can sleep in the night?

05-05-15, 20:42
I've had anxiety coupled with insomnia before and still do at present, though I am getting 'some' sleep. Medication can be a way of breaking the cycle (sleeping pills), but they are best used sparingly and for no more than a couple of weeks until you get back into a good routine.

Self-help sleep CD's are also worth looking into - to listen to when you go to bed, etc. Also, doing things like having a regular 'going to bed/getting up' time, as well as having a warm, milky drink before bed and/or a warm bath. It's all about building a new routine. Gotta be worth a go? :)

12-07-15, 11:48
Hi Lemon and lime, this sounds pretty similar to what I get. I know this is a couple of months old now but wondered how you are getting on?

12-07-15, 18:16
Does anybody else have this? I'm simply fearful of not being able to fall asleep. Self fulfilling or what?! I recently started a permanent job, I work 2.5 days and have 2 young children. I haven't had sleep issues in about a year but the last couple of months have been really rough I now 5 days in to taking Sertraline. It's like once I get into bed I get this feeling that I'm not going to sleep or sometimes I nearly nod off and then jolt awake. Then it's like I'm just lying there until it gets light and that's when I really start to panic as I know I have to take my daughter to school, my son to nursery and then I have to go to work. When I'm in bed I try to relax, concentrate on my breath etc or block my thoughts by counting but it's like my mind knows I'm trying to make myself sleep and it feels like I'm
self sabotaging (does that make sense?!) the thought of having to work after no sleep makes me feel really panicky and lying in bed at night without sleeping makes me feel out of control and scared (not sure why).Also the more breathing exercises or techniques I try to use the more irritated I get! I think also there's a feeling or fear of failure mixed in there too for good measure!
What irritates me is that it seems to come out of no where and then my problems escalate so quickly. I'm 8 months into my new job so it makes me think maybe I can't cope with the stress of working. I must admit looking back I had been a bit more short tempered than usual when my insomnia started again. I used to get social anxiety and depression but I have had therapy and CBT and am honestly say I'm happier and more balanced than I have been in years, so why the fear of sleep? And why can't I talk myself out of it? I don't mind taking anti ds but I don't feel like they are the answer, surely this is a psychological issue? Anyway I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who has/had this and how did you help yourself?:)