View Full Version : General fear of death?

05-05-15, 14:18
So I'm trying so hard to remain productive today - I tidied the kitchen and bathroom and started drawing but for each one, the thought just pops into my head "one day I am going to die" and I freak out inside so much.

Does anyone else with HA get this in general? Like sometimes if I don't have a fear of a specific illness, it's just a general fear of death that comes up?

05-05-15, 15:56
I have a massive fear of death in general, I constantly tell myself I'm going to die from something..

Doing it as we speak! :(

05-05-15, 19:35
Yes, me too.

Yorkshire born
05-05-15, 20:47
I think about death all the time right now but I don't believe that I really fear death. Obsessional thoughts about death are a symptom of my depression and anxiety and these can be cured. Focus on treating the cause not the symptom.

05-05-15, 21:07
I think about death all the time right now but I don't believe that I really fear death. Obsessional thoughts about death are a symptom of my depression and anxiety and these can be cured. Focus on treating the cause not the symptom.

Thank you for your post. I find it very helpful and it makes a lot of sense to me.

06-05-15, 01:39
Same here I'm petfriferd I don't sleep at all its 2am here still awake my fear is of sudden death I have some bloody mucus and leg pain keep coughing so even worse now no one listens too me ... I'm 26 years old feeling so scared !!!!!

---------- Post added at 01:39 ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 ----------

Yes me too every day im 26 years old I don't sleep or eat much my fear is of dropping dead or dying in my sleep that's why I do not sleep .... I'm a mother I watch over my babies sleeping all the time too constantly check my pulse you are not alone we are going too die and end up in a box or burnt and that's it sucks balls I know scary hard too live with this fear we are not living just in fear really scared sorry not much help

07-05-15, 16:23
Most people are fearful of the unknown and that's why we fear death, as we age it seems our fear of death diminishes and there will come a point if we all live long enough that it is welcomed.
Mostly our bodies protect us from the realities of death as so many who do pass are usually not aware of their passing. sudden death is like going into a deep sleep but that's the one I don't think to much about because I fear the suddenness. Look at it as a journey that may be a new experience. You never know it may be better than we have now. Xx

07-05-15, 16:54
So I'm trying so hard to remain productive today - I tidied the kitchen and bathroom and started drawing but for each one, the thought just pops into my head "one day I am going to die" and I freak out inside so much.

Does anyone else with HA get this in general? Like sometimes if I don't have a fear of a specific illness, it's just a general fear of death that comes up?

It's been a while since I've been on the forums, but have been struggling a bit lately and felt I had to reply to this because... yes. It's not even HA related anymore, just "one day..." It hits me I would say at least 3 times a day at the moment, I'm not sure what to advise really though, it's a difficult thought. I guess mindfulness could help - live for the moment etc... Have you spoken to anyone (eg. therapist) about it? :hugs:

07-05-15, 17:29
How many of you who fear death attend funerals and how much death have you had to deal with. There was a time when funerals in the community were almost mandatory so people got used to it and accepted it. It lessened the fear of the unknown. I've seen a lot of people in the last stages of life. A lot of them were friends. It does reduce the fear somewhat.

07-05-15, 17:38
I'm terrified of dying but not in the way most people herE seem to be. I'm scared of leaving behind my family. My partner and child having a whole new life without me, eventually I would become a distant memory. What hurts me even more is the thought that maybe their lives would actually be better without ne, given that I've had anxiety for 2 years now and depression for 7.

07-05-15, 19:47
We all have those thoughts. Your family would not be better. Suicide is a selfish act no matter how we try to justify it in the end we are the ones we do it for, everything else is just an excuse.

07-05-15, 20:27
Davit why have you mentioned suicide? As a long term sufferer.of depression I have never once, not even for a split second had a suicidal thought. What I meant was if I did have a terminal illness, a big fear of mine would.be that my partner and daughter would go on to have better lives then they do now. Not once did I mention suicide if your post was aimed at me.

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------

Apologies if that sounds mean but I find suicide to be a touchy subject.

07-05-15, 20:33
No it was not aimed at you, but suicide is a common subject and I am guilty of assumption just as you assumed I would know you were talking about a terminal illness. Which is more in line with HA than depression.

Sorry. It won't happen again.

07-05-15, 21:26
Im sorry I understand totally because I suffer so bad with this I can't get over the fact we just die ..... Like life's just a whole lie and well all the energy we use too do things etc what's the point .... Its so weird in scared if I could find out when my times up I would and even how because the things I don't know and that are out of control are too do with my anxiety too scared

07-05-15, 21:32
No apology needed, I just felt it was aimed at me with you saying we all have those thoughts. I do have HA too, which feeds my fear of dying, but I mentioned my depression as I do believe it ruins my partnerand daughters lives and therefore if I were to succumb to any of my fears, they would eventually have a better life without me. Not that they wouldn't deserve it, I just can't bear to think they'd think that.

07-05-15, 21:38
Yeah - terrified of dying here, too.

07-05-15, 23:15
In my grandfathers time death was considered a permanent rest from hard work sickness and pain. Those left behind were expected to pick up the pieces. I have enough pain every day that when I go to sleep not waking up wouldn't bother me. But not having someone to care for the cats does bother me.

08-05-15, 08:02
Aww Davit, I have cats too and have often worried about what would become of them should anything happen to me partner and I. My family would make sure my daughter was well looked after, but nome of them are cat lovers and I fear they would simply hand them over to a charity. One cat is very timid, ever since the local council renovated our house so she would be no good with new owners, and our youngest cat is her daughter too, so I'd be devastated of they were ever separated. Our Male would probably be fine, he's a big softy, but he's lived with us and our oldest cat since he was 7 weeks old.

08-05-15, 09:18
Oh so your quite happy too die?? See I'm not I'm so scared and the truth is the not knowing how I'm going too die and when .... I fear it so much that I don't do anything not even sleep or eat or walk outside !!! Everything could result into death I can't take it driving me insane

08-05-15, 22:18
How many of you who fear death attend funerals and how much death have you had to deal with. There was a time when funerals in the community were almost mandatory so people got used to it and accepted it. It lessened the fear of the unknown. I've seen a lot of people in the last stages of life. A lot of them were friends. It does reduce the fear somewhat.

As a child, I was exposed more to the suffering before death, more so than death itself, (although of course I attended the funerals for when they eventually died). And, more than anything it is the suffering, hardships, issues and pain surrounding what happens before death in terms of illnesses than death itself, that frightens me so much. I am currently enduring the same thing now, with my father and his illness (which he will eventually die from, perhaps soon). It horrifies me deeply. The details are so gruesome I feel shell-shocked.

I actually believe that my frequent experiences growing up surrounding death formed a part of my susceptibility to death fears than were I not exposed to them. I think I was exposed to too much end of life suffering that I was psychologically able to deal with.

08-05-15, 23:44
No apology needed, I just felt it was aimed at me with you saying we all have those thoughts. I do have HA too, which feeds my fear of dying, but I mentioned my depression as I do believe it ruins my partnerand daughters lives and therefore if I were to succumb to any of my fears, they would eventually have a better life without me. Not that they wouldn't deserve it, I just can't bear to think they'd think that.

Unbelievable how much this sounds like me