View Full Version : Link Between P.A's and Temperature Change?

24-01-07, 11:37
Hello all

I have been suffering from P.A's every day at work for the last 6 months. I work with lovely people in a stress free environment and I enjoy my job. I'm therefore at a complete loss of why my P.A's always happen at work. I have only ever had two outside of work . Once at a cinema and once in a supermarket.

At work I sit under an air conditioning unit. The air conditioning is faulty and regularly changes the temperature of the office.

So my question is , is there any evidence linking changes in temperaturewith panic attacks?

Thank you all for your help. This is a fantastic website.

24-01-07, 11:55
hi and welcome

in my case there is a definite link - heat always makes me feel more panicky and the need to escape

is there anyway you could change where you sit at work and maybe that could help?

darkangel :)

........life is for living not just for surviving

24-01-07, 12:39
I actually get panicky at either extremes of temp - I don't like to be too cold anymore than I like to be too hot.

A big welcome to the site :D


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-01-07, 13:58
If you have a low thyroid then your body temprature will be cooler than other peoples body temprature.
Then if you have a fan pointing at you it will lower your body temprature further.

A low thyroid does give symptoms of panic and anxiety so if you havent been checked then maybe its best to ask your doctor to do that.


24-01-07, 13:59


24-01-07, 14:51
I know that temperature can definitely be a trigger for me. Although I've always loved the cold, I can't tolerate it well anymore. I'm very hypothyroid, so, as mirry mentioned, that may have something to do with my problem. But, also, when I get a bit of a chill, I sometimes get the shakes and shivers that mimic the ones that I get during a PA, and that seems enough to bring it on sometimes.

24-01-07, 15:00
Afternoon Jim,

I've found that my medication (40mg of Citalopram a day) has led to me being unable to control my body temperature, one minute I'm shivering, the next far too hot, I just can't seem to regulate my temperature.

When it does balance itself I'm OK, but when the hot/cold sweats hit I do become more anxious and aggitated. I think it's more than a coincidence.

Happiness and light to all,

Let us pray to Him who holds Life’s issues in his hands—
Him who formed the mighty globe, with all its thousand lands;
Girding them with seas and moutains, rivers deep, and strands,
To case a look of pity upon Kathleen-Ni-Houlahan!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

24-01-07, 17:07
I'll just echo what Piglet said. To hot or too cold is no good for me.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

24-01-07, 17:37
My panics come on in the wind, it makes my ears ache and then the panic starts, had one today and it was horrible, then when I got home and it was nice and warm inside, that made my earache/panic worse!

Jo x


25-01-07, 13:09
if i'm in a room thats too hot i get panicky cos i feel claustrophobic.

prozac makes temperature high


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

09-09-07, 16:21
I find that I feel claustrophobic and panicky if I get too hot. Happens everytime. Its horrid. Also, after sweating thru a panic attack, I go ice cold and prickly... feel for you all with this. I am on Prozac now and I think I feel worse with these temperature extremes than when I didnt take it.

10-09-07, 14:34
Hi everyone. Yes, I get terrible panic attacks if I get overheated whether it be from bathing or from entering a hot place. You are not alone. hugs

11-09-07, 10:19
I find changes in temperature and also light can trigger a panic for me. I think we are often extremely sensitive to the slightest of changes that a person without anxiety most likely wouldn't even notice.

When I go into a supermarket I get very anxious and panicky when I move from an aisle where there are freezers and it's very cold and the light is very white and then move to a regular aisle where suddenly the temperature is warmer and the light changes to a more yellow colour :ohmy: