View Full Version : Sinusitis bloody nose?

05-05-15, 17:04
Hi all i have been feeling great for a while so haven't really been in here.

Couple of weeks ago I started feeling very congested in my nose, blowing it lots with lots of yellow green thick snot (sorry) the green/ yellow snot seems to have mostly gone away but I feel very blocked up & headachey & every time I blow my nose it bleeds quite a bit then sometimes hardly anything. This is really panicking me as I'm sure those in here will understand. I was stupid & googled & it says it can be a sign of sinus cancer. Has anyone else had anything similar? I'm very worried x

Gary A
05-05-15, 17:43
Could be anything from a sinus infection to burst blood vessels from constant blowing. Sinus cancer is ridiculously rare, I seriously doubt your symptoms suggest that, especially given that you clearly have at least had a cold recently.

05-05-15, 18:00
Don't worry about having sinus cancer! It's extremely, extremely rare. I thought I had it for a while and eventually got a sinus CT and it came up clear. I'm sure it's nothing, bloody noses happen sometimes:)

05-05-15, 19:25
I got some sudafed for the chemist before I have had some of that. I feel less blocked up now but my nose is still bleeding when I blow it.
Hate the way I panic over every little thing ��

Thank you for your replies, helps to calm me x

07-05-15, 14:56
I gave in & went to the dr & she gave me antibiotics. My nose is all inflamed & she can see where it's bleeding from. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to work & my nose to stop bleeding when I blow it? Really making me panic x

Gary A
07-05-15, 14:57
Depends on the severity of the infection but generally about 3-4 days before you get the full effect.

09-05-15, 08:43
Thanks you're right it was much better yesterday. Today I have blown it too hard & made it bleed & set myself off worrying again.