View Full Version : for women - periods and anxiety

05-05-15, 18:17
Do any of you women notice that you're more prone to panic or anxiety attacks right before or even during your period?

I am on day 3 and I'm currently having a panic attack. I also had one about 10 minutes before I got my period.


05-05-15, 18:55
Yes I'm the same. Think it's all the hormones. Hope you're ok x

05-05-15, 19:07
Have you ever heard of DIM? I've started taking it and it reduces the bad estrogen in the body. It has helped sooo much with my periods and everything that comes with it. Google it. It's pretty amazing. It's called DIM plus.

06-05-15, 01:17
Yes, no doubt due to the extra hormones.

I also get bad cramps during my period so I get extra anxious/down because I usually have a million things to do and I just can't do them.

I have two serious finals coming up and I need to get to studying, but I made it through work today (just barely!) and am now laid up in bed.

06-05-15, 01:31
Lately I have turned into a lunatic in the days coming up to my period and anxiety goes sky high. Think periods just make everything else worse. My doctir suggested I go on the pill to try balance hormones even though no blood test was done to say my hormones were out of wack....overprescribing doctors eh. Anyway I'm going to try an alternative called Agnus cactus, good reviews on it. Maybe give something line that a go too and stay strong. Us women have it bad :(

06-05-15, 09:18
Hi, yes def higher anxiety and panic about a week before my period and then up to about the 3rd day in. Not fair hey!!

06-05-15, 09:21
Yep all through my life every month more panic attacks then when i went through the change it got worse and here i am now nearly 5 years post menopause :(

06-05-15, 15:01
Thanks guys! It's nice to know I am not alone.

I took my "emergency" panic attack medicine and was able to calm down within the hour.

Now, I make sure I mark on my calendar when I get my period so that when I approach next month's "hell" I am more prepared.