View Full Version : Bad news - confused.

05-05-15, 19:22
I don't even know why i am posting on here, i just need to.

Basically, i've had a phone call today to inform me that my ex partner has had his appeal granted and will be released on July 27th 2015, 12 months early.

I knew the sentence was being appealed, i didn't know they would get it. Life throws you these things sometimes.

And i obviously knew this day would come, but i am clearly not mentally prepared for it. I haven't told my partner yet or anyone actually, i've just been in a bit of a trance all day. I'm in a good place and i'm determined to keep moving forward, but i'm scared this is going to cause a lot of set backs, in fact i'm just scared in general, the whole thing makes me feel physically sick and i just wish there was an erase button. But there isn't.

I will tell my partner later, there is a restraining order in place which i've been repeatedly told about but this means absolutely nothing to me.
I can't explain why this has caused me to be like this today, like i said i did know it would happen, i just wish it didn't have to.

05-05-15, 22:10

06-05-15, 06:36
Hi Sam,

Its the finality of it that sometimes hammers it home so I think you are feeling what we all would. Perhaps it will seem less worrying in a day or two when this has passed?

If you are not likely to ever see this guy again, then its going to be really important to push him out of your mind as much as you can, reconcile it somehow, so that you can go on living the life you deserve with your new bloke.

06-05-15, 07:20
I'm feeling better today, I think it was the initial shock of it so to speak.

I've got so much to look forward to, he already ruined so much of my life there's no way i'm going to let that happen again.

On a brighter note, i'll be on a beach in 4 weeks time in total relaxation :-) cannot come quick enough.

06-05-15, 08:20
Thats great, Sam! It sounds like you reconciled a lot of it before.

06-05-15, 21:52
Update - I went to meet the support worker today who told me everything i need to know, it seems i might not have to much to worry over for long anyway as more stuff has come up against him.

Feeling better a lot better. So good news all round. :)

07-05-15, 06:43
I'm glad you are feeling better and things are working out, Sam. :yesyes:

07-05-15, 09:43
I have faith in your abilities Sam, you have come so far in the last little while. You will handle any set backs and we will support you. Think of the beach, he can't follow you there.

blue moon
07-05-15, 11:54
Hi Sam
I hope that beach you are going to relax and take in some ray's of sunshine is in Aus.:D
Petra :)

07-05-15, 16:18
Thank you, i have faith in them too :)

Petra i would love that but unfortunately i am a really bad flyer so i keep to short distances :doh: but who knows what the future holds