View Full Version : Chest area pains/discomfort

05-05-15, 19:33
Hey, back to worrying it seems. Been getting some worrying twinges in my chest that have set me into panic mode (it's been a bad week overall)

Currently I have some general aching type pain in my leftshoulder (my shoulder does hurt like this every so often) and the pain goes to the left side of my chest too.

I understand pain can radiate out so if I have a shoulder problem it could also possibly be felt in the muscles of my cheat right?

I get problems with indigestion too, it could be that but it doesnt really feel so much like a burn as it does pressure.

Eugh... I wish there was some kinda app for your phone "Heart attack or Unrelated stuff" where it would give you the answer to these questions my dumb brain keeps worrying about to shut it up.