View Full Version : It's back again

05-05-15, 21:29
The dreaded pounding heart that I can feel through my chest wall, happens when standing from sitting or lying down, bending over, small exertion like running a few steps, climbing the stairs, after eating sometimes or simply just stretching. I just can't tell myself it's nothing, the force it's beating tells me it's doing damage. I am booked in to see a cardiologist at the end of next month but that's still weeks away.

A few weeks back my pulse was speeding up a lot when doing the above now sometimes it's just really slow forceful thuds instead. Yesterday I stood up from lying down and my heart was pounding forcefully but slowly, I was just above the limit for bradycardia, 60bpm when standing which is strange considering a few weeks back my pulse was shooting up to at least 80 from rest.

It's really getting me down, I have a few good days then bam I either get a really awful feeling palpitation where my chest flutters and the rush of adrenaline takes my breath away or it's this stupid heart pounding that makes me want to just lie down and do nothing.

I can't even exercise because all of this started from a really scary experience where I was getting palpitations every 3rd or 4th beat after exercising vigorously at the start of the year, my heart reset itself to a normal rythym after around 15 minutes so I never got to check what it was that actually happened but from all that I've read it sounded like AFIB, I'd only ever had these one off thuds/palpitations when playing football for an hour in a sports hall.

I definitely have health anxiety but these symptoms seem to crop up when my mind is at rest and I'm not anxious.

I went cold turkey on caffeine, alcohol and cut out all junk food from my diet, I eat meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and nuts but to be honest it doesn't seem to have helped at all.

I've had blood tests and an ECG that came back normal, but the ECG was done at rest when experiencing no symtoms bar slight tachycardia where my pulse was just over 100 at rest (this was mainly down to anxiety at the time I think).

I also get palpitations at night sometimes and in my sleep that wake me up. I've seen my heart rate in the mid 40's whilst still awake which worries me as to how low it's going when I'm asleep.

My doctor has given me little reassurance, he seemed to lack the ability to listen to what I was saying, telling me palpitations only mean a fast heart rate and that skipped or double beats are something different entirely which is the only reason he referred me to a cardiologist. All he did was listen to my heart which again was at rest with no symtoms occurring so I knew he would tell me it was fine.

07-05-15, 20:11
Hun, I don't know if this will help but I have wolf Parkinson white syndrome, a heart arrhythmia and my ecgs always show up as abnormal even when I'm at rest.

It could just be ectopic beats from excercise and/or all the adrenaline from the anxiety, is a sure fire way to get the heart pumping.

When I have had a full blown panic attack, my heart was pounding and doing strange things.

However, it was completely different to my a-fib attacks

I'm sure the cardiologist appt will be fine : )

Take care

08-05-15, 21:51
Had a run of missed beats earlier that lasted around 15 seconds.

I've only ever had the odd one or for 1-2 seconds before at rest.

Is this normal?