View Full Version : worried about mid back pain

05-05-15, 22:30
I iv had terrible mid back pain now over a year. It hurts when i move in certain positions but thing that concern me is how much it hurts to take a deep breath. Iv beeb drs they just tell me its mechanical back pain just wear andvtear.

iv got myself in a panic thinking bone cancer or something.

anyone else had the same last so long.

05-05-15, 23:17
I've had mine for bout 6 years flares up now and again hurts to touch or press its horrible had xray all normal x

06-05-15, 06:11
Does yours hurt to take deep breaths? It worries me so much but drs dont seem concerned

06-05-15, 14:08
If you can, go see a chiropractor. I had pain in my mid back which also affects my ribs. I used to think there was a tumor in there but it turns out it's my spine. After seeing a chiropractor I feel better, however i have to go every month to keep it in check. If you have insurance, you should definitely try it, it does the world of difference. I hope you feel better!

06-05-15, 15:08
This is my worry i think a tumour or bone cancer. Dr just thinks its overuse of muscles thats it. Terrifies me

18-05-15, 15:54
Have u had an xray

18-05-15, 18:47
I've got that mid spine pain right now. Get it a lot. No idea. Think it's tension and reflux combined but other times think it's inflammation when run down or low. Flipping uncomfortable though and only a good sore massage relieves it. I wake up with as well - bit like arthritis?!