View Full Version : Greetings! Just registered...

24-01-07, 12:46
Hello everyone! I just found this site yesterday, and I'm glad I did. This seems like just what I needed.

I'm 35 and I've been dealing with anxiety to some degree for at least the last 11 years. Probably longer than that, but I know I was 24 when I had my first panic attack.

After years of panic attacks and countless trips to the hosiptal, I started seeing a therapist and things improved some. I had about 5 panic attack-free years. But this past year has seen my anxiety problems escalate and now I'm almost always feel panic.

Last year my dearest 16-year old pet died, a month later my mum (my best friend) died tragically, then a member of my husband's family died soon after, and weeks later a friend committed suicide. I suppose it's no surprise that all the stress and grief and shock brought back the anxiety.

Currently I'm dealing with general anxiety/panic attacks, OCD, PTSD, and major health anxiety. My overall health has declined and the health anxiety has become obsessive. It didn't help matters when my constant fear that "something's wrong with my heart" was confirmed rather than proved wrong. I have SVT and have just been released from he hospital with a new, risky medicine--and, of course, I'm freaking out about all the warnings and possible side effects. But with my health anxiety I don't even know if I can judge when/if I'm really feeling side effects. And I can't seem to make myself stop checking my pulse.

With all the loss of loved ones last year (most especially mum), I've become fixated on the fear of dying, or the death of my remaining loved ones. It's like I'm just waiting for the next horrible thing to happen. I can't seem to enjoy much of anything for fear of what may happen.

I'm staying hypersensitive and on alert all the time. It's an exhausting way to live. It's interferring with my work and my relationships. I don't want to be like this! I'll be seeing my doctor later today for a heart monitor, and I'm going to ask about being put on Escitalopram while I'm there. Hopefully I can get back to seeing a good therapist again soon.

Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself and vent a bit.


24-01-07, 12:52
Oh Reemy I am so sorry about all the losses you've had and obviously you are still grieving and tryin to come to terms with it all.

A big welcome to the site hun and I'm sure you will find much support here.

Love Piglet :)

24-01-07, 13:01
Hi Reemy,

A big warm welcome to you. Sorry to hear about all your loss. Everyone here is lovely and will give you lots of strength and support. xx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

24-01-07, 13:19
Hi Reemy !

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, its great that you have joined us and hope we can be of help.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

24-01-07, 14:03
Hi there,
I hope you're made to feel very welcome here :)

Sarah x

24-01-07, 14:08
elo Reemy,

A huge welcome to the site and so sorry to read about ur losses...you will find great support and advice here an make gud friends too.x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

24-01-07, 14:38
Thank you Piglet, manmoor, honeybee3939, sarahc, and wobily_lin! It's nice to receive such a lovely welcome.

I wish I had found this place sooner. It so nice to know that there is a safe place with compassionate people to speak candidly about anxiety. I've often felt the need to hide the extent of my problems (even from myself at times) due to fear of others reactions and lack of understanding.

Thanks, again.

24-01-07, 14:50
Good morning Reemy and welcome!

I'm sure you'll find many compassionate and informed people in these forums who'll help you along, provide support when you need it and, on occassion bring a smile to your face.

We've all been or are going through mixed emotions, take various medication have 'unique' symptoms but we're all very similar and supportive and, due to it's mature, the forums are a great way to articulate your feelings without the fear of face to face dialogue.

I look forward to reading your posts and contributing if I can.

Happiness and light to all,

Let us pray to Him who holds Life’s issues in his hands—
Him who formed the mighty globe, with all its thousand lands;
Girding them with seas and moutains, rivers deep, and strands,
To case a look of pity upon Kathleen-Ni-Houlahan!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

24-01-07, 14:58
Hi Reemy and welcome.Im sorry to hear of your losses.Im a bit low to.I lost my dog 7 years ago today and it still hurts.You have even more to cope with.You will get lots of support and advise here.
Take care

Ellen XX

24-01-07, 16:10
hi reemy
welcome to the forum
sorry to hear of the awful time you have had,there are lots of people here to help support you
take care
rach x

24-01-07, 16:18
Hi remmy,You have been though the mill have,nt you, i,m so sorry to hear ofyour losses, i to have been recently bereaved, it is hard and nothing seems to make it easier, but you have come to the right place, good to have you here.

24-01-07, 16:54
Hi Remmy welcome to nmp ,i came to this site after i lost my best friend (my mum).With the support of others iam getting there slowly as iam sure you will too hunny.
Mazz x

24-01-07, 21:41
Chopper, ELLEN, ceecee, rickards, & mazz: Thanks for the warm welcomes!

I also appreciate the sympathies for my grief. And, of course, I extend my sympathies to those of you who are also bereaved. I never truly understood the impact of loss until I experienced it myself.

Here's hoping for brighter days!


24-01-07, 22:50
Reemy its been 3 years now and i still dwell as you will too hunny, just remember your,e not alone
Mazz xx

25-01-07, 06:43
Thanks, Mazz. I know it's a really long road we're on.

26-01-07, 22:29



27-01-07, 12:22

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

27-01-07, 17:30
Kazzie & Trac,

Thank you for the welcomes. I'm finding this to be a wonderful and very helpful place.


27-01-07, 18:36
Hi Reemy

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some fantastic people here.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel