View Full Version : Liver disease?

06-05-15, 12:36
I don't know where to start.
I'm off work with a bad dose of flu and was just starting to feel better when my latest health crisis hit me.
I have some horizontal white lines on my thumbnails. So I googled to see what they could be and it came up with something called Muehrkes nails. Caused by either malnutrition (which I don't have) or liver disease.

I am 57 and enjoy a glass of wine. Probably more than I should but not as much as many people I know. I daren't google the signs of liver disease as I won't be able to cope.
The lines have been there a long time. I had a full blood test earlier this year due to some previous health worries and it was all clear.

I know no one on here is a medical expert but could someone please say something reassuring before I go out of my mind. I'm really desperate.

06-05-15, 16:37
No replies so far so thought I'd bump.

But I did PM someone (I won't name him but he'll know who I mean). He was kind enough to reply, gave good, sensible advice and i feel a little reassured. There's still that niggling doubt but trying to cling to fact Im fit as a fiddle these days - mainly due to recent weight loss and exercise regime, have no liver disease symptoms and had a clear blood test 6 months ago. Also my nail problem is similar but not identical to that typically associated with liver disease

Very interested to hear from anyone with similar concers/experience though.

06-05-15, 17:44
You had clear blood tests so I wouldn't worry too much. I'm 27 and I feel liver disease as well despite not being a heavy drinker. My ALT was slightly raised (though the doc didn't tell me the numbers) on my blood work last year and since I've been in a panic. I started getting spider veins on my body so that hasn't helped any at all. I also feel like my palms are red. You are doing the right thing but not googling.

06-05-15, 18:31
Thanks Just Joe,

I don't think you will have anything to worry about at all. If your Gp was concerned they would have referred you to a specialist.Your very young to have such worries but HA has no boundaries, does it?

I have just heard the news about Erroll Brown's death from liver cancer. Things like this send me in a mad panic. No logic to it is there?

Just to clear up a point - didn't want to give the impression I'm a raging alcoholic. I drink a couple of bottles of wine per week. I think its sbout 18 units. More than I should, I know but hopefully not too excessive.

06-05-15, 18:41
Thanks I'm glad you don't think I have anything to worry about. While the blood test did bother me I was over it until the spider veins and the red palms but I try not to think about it because of my age. I'm nervous though cause last year I took a green tea extract but no more than the recommended dosage and I worry if I could of done damage.

Anytime we read or hear something about someone famous dying it can certainly be a trigger for those of us with HA.