View Full Version : feeling terrible

06-05-15, 13:17
Hi guys...

Went back to my GP this week for some more pills as I've been having Anxiety everyday he has put me on sertraline and took me off propanolol....It's my second day on sertraline and I feel worse than ever....my eyes are funny like I'm drunk...I'm shaking in and out. I feel spaced out and having hot flushes with waves of panic....I'm have had to come and lie down....feeling terrible and I'm on my own which doesn't help :-(

06-05-15, 13:25
these symptons will die down takes few weeks for ssri to settle took me a month for mine to work ...... am suprised they not given you propanadol or low dose of diazepam for few weeks just until they settled .... maybe ring them up and ask if you can take them on the side

06-05-15, 13:36
I asked for propanolol yesterday but the doc told me to keep off them and start the sertraline...that's 1 pill a day in the morning...how can I go through the whole day feeling like this?....I do have a few propanolol left tho...might take 1 ��

06-05-15, 18:02
am no doctor but even when told me stop diazepam i had few left an take one when am really bad plus propanadol doesnt interact with the sertaline so your fine to take it .....

this is just advice am not medical professional ... but if i was u ill take propanadol to calm you down