View Full Version : Urine infection and panicking

06-05-15, 15:01
I was told yesterday I have a urine infection as traces of blood and white cells in my urine. I was prescribed antibiotics but I'm scared it's something more serious, I can't cope with anything medical and if I get told I've to go to hospital I'll more than likely faint. I've issues with my coil and I'm awaiting an appointment to have it removed as this is what is making me panic, thinking its not a UTI but something to do with the coil which is embedded.

My symptoms of UTI weren't that typical, wasn't rushing to loo and wasn't burning etc, basically feverish and a period pain type ache but had an abdormal temperature. Can anyone please reassure me?

06-05-15, 15:52

I had a cystoscopy 2 weeks ago and got a UTI a few days after. I didnt have pain on weeing or frequent weeing, I had period type pain, with backache and generally feeling off but not poorly. My wee had protein and traces of blood. The GP sent my sample off and gave me a wee of antibiotics.

06-05-15, 16:01
Hi and thanks, yesterday my temp was high 37's and today despite paracetamol and ibuprofen its 38.1, feel aching and loss of appetite, how long before your antibiotics kicked. in?

06-05-15, 16:33
I had 7 days of Nitrofurantoin, 4 tablets a day. The period pain eased the same day along with the backache. Felt better the second day but today, I finished the tablets today, bladder doesn't feel back to normal but it can take time even after the tablets but if your no better after day 2 I would go back as sometimes they need the results from the lab for a different antibiotic.