View Full Version : IBS? Ovarian Cancer? Pulled Muscle?

06-05-15, 19:20
Hey Guys,

I have had a really weird thing going on and it's starting to worry me....it's abit long winded so please bare with me.

About three weeks ago I woke up and noticed I was having slight twinges in my lower abdomen, to the right but at this point it was pretty central, where your tummy and pelvic line meet...it felt like ovuation twinges and since it had been two weeks since my period that's what I put it down to! (I am on BC but don't take it religiously at the same time every day etc) anyway, it came on and off for a few days and started to move to the right more and more. Eventually it moved to the right hand side, around the pubic bone area very low down.

It lasted for around a week and started to get worse, i started to get shooting pains, very mild and intermittent around my abdomen, gurgling noises, alot of gas (sometimes it helped to pass gas - sorry for TMI) it was so bad one night i woke up and had chest pains too like when you have indegestion.

Anyway, after a week it subsided for a few days. Then started to come back. It has been on and off but every day since and it has now been almost three weeks!! My symtpoms are -

pain on a very localised point in my pubic bone when i press on it that comes and goes - it has been much better recently. Sometimes if i have pain and press on where its coming from it helps!!

pain that travels from my right buttock, my inner right thigh, and this pubic bone area.

A tender abdomen (sometimes)

Gurgling noises in my tummy.

Alot of gas.

the odd twinge in my very lower right abdomen.

It very rarely is in my left side but not as bad at all.

It sometimes feels like sciatica/trapped nerve but with these "ibs" symptoms i am getting confused.

I do get bloated but it is on and off and seems to have a pattern with food.
I had pizza the other night and the next day was awful!

Butter also did this and cheese so again IBS like.

I have wondered about Endometriosis, a trapped nerve, a cyst, ovarian cancer and IBS as they all have very similar symptoms.

The pain has got better, but is still there slightly.
No bleeding
No change in stools
No weight loss
No dizziness
It doesn't hurt to urinate or pass a bowel movement

I also get a pain in my central upper abdomen that feels like trapped wind after i have eaten. Nothing too dramatic just uncomfortable and it does go eventually.

Can IBS/Spastic Colon cause pubic bone pain etc?
Can a trapped nerve cause IBS symptoms?

I have read that ovarian cancer isn't intermittent so thats a positive as this really is.

Sitting still for a long time makes it worse, when i am moving i feel nothing and the twinges are mainly when im sat or lay on that side.

My boyfriend massaged my right buttock/lower back today and he felt the knot and i felt it, it was enough to make me grit my teeth.

Or are these all totally unrelated?!

I am freaking out!!!!

Sometimes it feels like a pulling sensation on the outside of my pubic area, it seems too low down to be my ovaries.

Like i said it IS getting better but because its been three weeks im having a freak out. It is becoming more of a muscular ache/nerve ache now with IBS symptoms becoming more and more.

I originally thought it was deep inside my reproductive area but it definitely isn't.

I'm female, 27, very light smoker, no history of any cancer at all in our family - very stressed with erratic diet! One week its super clean and healthy, the next week due to work its pizza etc!

HELP!! It is sending my HA off on one!! Xxxxxxxx

06-05-15, 22:02
Hmmmmm have you had your hormones bloods done I have polycystic overies and get pain where your describing don't freak out it's only a possibility after all I'm no doctor. Xx

10-05-15, 01:52
Thank You for the reply,:hugs:it's appreciated! I don't know what was/is going on but it's got LOADS better now :D The IBS pains have been on & off but very spaced out now, yesterday I was fine all day until the evening and then it was only mild & didn't last long, thank god. Today, I have been fine.

I think it is food related, i have been doing a trial & error and it seems to be when I eat greasy/dairy related products. I also think my anxiety was playing a massive part. So i have accepted it's nothing fatal as it is much better :)

Thank you darling. Onwards & upwards Xx