View Full Version : New to the forum...current worry...ibc

Clarry Anny
06-05-15, 19:59
Hi! Just discovered this forum and can't believe that other people worry like I do...I am 42 mother of two teens and have had health anxiety for over 10 years . I have had ( thought I had ) aids, bowel cancer, lots of brain tumours, colon cancer, cervical and ovarian cancer, skin cancer and at the moment...breast cancer specifically inflammatory breast cancer. I have had a rash on my left breat for a few months which is dry and itchy and went to check it out...was told it was fungal infection...got cream and it went for a bit..it's now back and I have other dry patches and one on my other breast. If the doctors could take both my breasts off tomorrow I wouldn't hesitate. I hate worrying all the time...I am on clomimpromene but worry that it makes me not worry when I should worry and get something checked...help!

Gary A
06-05-15, 21:06
Were your doctors specific on which fungal infection it was? It sounds like pitirysis versicolor, a fungal infection that often returns after treatment, and it's particularly prone to return in warmer weather. It typically effects the chest, torso and groin areas. If it responded to treatment at all, it's not IBC, cancer doesn't heal, it gets worse and worse.

I'd return to your doctor to have it checked out again, but purely to get the fungal infection cleared, not because I think you have breast cancer.

Clarry Anny
06-05-15, 21:13
Thankyou! Just the bit about worse and worse has stopped my panic. Thank god I found this site...it's so reassuring to read people feel like I do.

06-05-15, 21:48
I feel just like you and sometimes wish I could have my ovaries, uterus and breasts taken away. But then I dare say we would still find something to worry about.
I don't think you have breast cancer but I do know just what you are going through.