View Full Version : Not sure i am in the right place...

06-09-04, 17:39
...but here goes.
I'm Nikki i'm 21 and have just been diagnosed as having depression by my GP again. I was depressed before a few years ago but this feels so different. Before i generally felt low and just wanted to spend all day in bed huddled under the duvet because that was where i felt safe and comforted. I'd sneak out of bed late at night and comfort eat and it wasn't a great life but it wasn't hard to cope with not like now.
I'm not sure I'm making much sense, but suddenly since last Tuesday so almost a week now I've felt awful. For the first three days i couldn't stop crying, really couldn't stop, cried to sleep and cried again when i woke up. I'm crying less now but i have this feeling that nothing is right i can't rest, am always on edge. I feel like i am about to sit a really important exam every minute, that sort of anxious. It feels like the night i sat with a close friend in the hospital bed when he was seriously ill, a horrible mixture of worry panic and anxiety. Do other people feel like this? I can't make it go away and since i don't know what i feel anxious about sometimes its really scary and overwhelming. I couldn't say i've actually had a panic attack although twice in Tesco's i felt so bad i just walked out.
My Mum is being great and keeping my company and helping me with work, but i'm terrified because she goes on holiday next week and i think i will go mad without her.
My Doctor has prescribed Citrolopram, does anyone know anything about it?
Would love to hear from some people,
Thanks, Nikki

06-09-04, 17:52
Hi Nikki,

Welcome to the site . Do you know what causes this each time ?

It certainly sounds like you've added an element of anxiety to your depression . You will get better from it .

Do check out

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

And put Citrolopram into the search facility or hunt through the medications section. Theres been lots on it recently.

Look forward to hearing more about you.


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

06-09-04, 18:50
Hi, there are loads of people taking this medication on this site including me. I suffer bouts of anxitey, depression and panic, this time my doctor had put me on citrolopram and i do feel it it working. Ihave been taking it for a month and a half now and i am definatly seeing some benifits. I was constantly experiecing anxitey before this and now it has subsided. It does take time to work a few weeks at least. Hope this helps Tara xxx

06-09-04, 19:20
hi there Nikki,

Yes, you are definetly in the right place. Welcome to the site!! I'm sure you will get loads of help here and meet lots of nice people.

Sarah :D

06-09-04, 19:36
Hi Nikki

Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will get a lot of support here.


06-09-04, 19:46
just wanted to say hi and welcome u to the site, not been here long myself alot of nice people her and alot af good advice. :D

Take care

06-09-04, 20:20
Hi Nikki

Welcome aboard. You are in the right place and we will help you all we can.

Those feelings you descrive sum up how I felt about 7 years ago, and I was then on Prozac which didn't touch the panic attacks but certainly helped the depression.

It is a horrid feeling that you just can't life isn't it?

I hope we can help you here.

Quite a few are on Citalopram so start by looking in the "medication" topic and read some posts in there.

Good luck with your recovery.


06-09-04, 20:24
I feel just the same. I'm anxious and terrified all the time and don't know why! When I think I do know why it seems unreasonble to feel so bad. It's very confusing. My mum is staying with me at the moment. she'll need to go soon and I'm scared about that now. You are not alone

06-09-04, 23:53
Hi Nikki

Ive only been here since today myself and everyone is lovely im sure you will find lots of information and help.


07-09-04, 00:05
Hi Nikki

I know exactly how you feel I dont understand my anxiety either, sometimes I will feel fine in myself and then suddenly it will come over me and I feel frightened and begin to panic. I just try and think of all the good things in my life to fight off depression even if thats just that im not alone in feeling like this and there is always people there for us even if we can't see them. You are never alone. I'm also on citrolopram although only for 3 weeks so haven't felt the full effects yet.


08-09-04, 18:16
Hi everyone,

Thanks very much for all your messages of support, really helped me through a very bad couple of days.
I am doing better, still only been on the medication about 7 days so i don't think its started, but am trying to focus on the good things and ignore the anxiety although it doesn't always work.
Still am very worried about Mum going away next week i know she would stay if i asked her but i'd feel very selfish.
Have to run, thanks again, hope to talk to some of you again soon,

09-09-04, 16:08
Hi Nikki,

Glad its been getting better over the last few days.

Practice makes progress about ignoring the anxiety. Sometimes it is too hard at the moment but those times will diminish as you get stronger .


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

09-09-04, 22:19
hi nikki

welcome to the site

i do understand you, every day before i go to school i just want to go under my duvet and go to a new world where worry is a myth. i constantly want to hut myself away, for good.

i dotn take medication, sorry

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

19-05-06, 07:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi, there are loads of people taking this medication on this site including me. I suffer bouts of anxitey, depression and panic, this time my doctor had put me on citrolopram and i do feel it it working. Ihave been taking it for a month and a half now and i am definatly seeing some benifits. I was constantly experiecing anxitey before this and now it has subsided. It does take time to work a few weeks at least. Hope this helps Tara xxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by tara - 06 September 2004 : 19:50:29</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

19-05-06, 08:20
hi I suffered panic very like yours. I have now been on citralopram for 6 months now and find it has been a great help. I have been getting dizzy when I stand up and am taking iron has anyone else experienced this. Also my thyroid was underactive and then corrected itself has any one else experienced this and does anyone know whether it will change back to underactive. sorry nikkij just wanted to ask whilst I am here hope you don't mind. to you nikkij yes yes yes stick with the medication but keep in mine it takes 6-8 weeks to start working. luck from desi