View Full Version : DVT or pe worries

06-05-15, 20:16
Been two weeks since I was in a n e with poorly ache leg .... Had been checked only by my bloods for DVT come back clear apparently but now im still unwell with achy legs bad chest mucus and cough plus painful shoulder today ... Should I go too a n e or trust the blood work done two weeks ago_??? No idea going mental

06-05-15, 20:28
Is trust there is nothing wrong with you apart from severe health anxiety.
If I were you I'd just go to the hospital to put your mind at ease or you may never sleep which is only going to make you feel worse. There's nothing wrong with you but you can't accept that in your current state. Maybe the hospital will call in a psychiatrist to help you.

Gary A
06-05-15, 21:09
No, you should see your GP and speak to them about therapy for your horrific anxiety. Why would you go to A&E for this? Seriously, for the second time today, calm down.

06-05-15, 21:21
Parents won't let me go anyway just they never gave me a chest xray only blood tests for the blood clot .... But obviously nothing detected but weeks ago .... Now this I I have therapy Tue morning apparently its 70 a hour working on CBT and amam or something .... Rational thinking going private that's if I'm still alive

---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:17 ----------

Everyone telling me too calm down thank you for your posts but I can't calm down I'm trying can't even lay still and constantly checking my leg and pulse and feeling my heart

Gary A
06-05-15, 21:25
I don't know what more anyone can say.

06-05-15, 21:27
I don't know what more anyone can say.

I agree... :shrug:

Good luck and positive thoughts

06-05-15, 21:38
I don't know but today I have never been so down with worrie ..... I even joked with my mum that I should just get it over and done with .... Not even funny never felt like that before joke or no joke .... So down frightened etc very worried all the time it sucks balls I really hope it gets better and I'm truly sorry for anyone who's gone through this I wish this on no one .... X

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ----------

I used too be so fearless ..... Loved my own company and long walks playing with the kids cooking and cleaning .... Now I'm too frightened too even walk .... My identity is gone I was so happy ..... Beautiful carefree now I'm like q scared mouse the fear of death looms over me I'm 26 feeling 85 .... It's so sad too see myself in the mirror nowadays its scary ...... I wish you all such a speedy recovery or some true understanding on how too treat this ha ....

06-05-15, 23:24
What you mean your parents won't let you go? You're 26 right? Hopefully CBT helps, definitely worth a try. Hope you get some sleep tonight

06-05-15, 23:28
Yeah I am but I don't want too stress them or let them lost more sleep worrying about me they looking after me and my children going too try sleep I got two hours yesterday .... My symptoms feel worse ... Tho but WHO knows

07-05-15, 08:46
Yeah i'm with Gary and Fish. There is no point saying anything to you because it does nothing to alleviate your anxiety. I would even go as far as to say you should stay away from this site until you have had some of your counselling sessions. This can be a great place to seek comfort from those who understand or can identify with HA. However it can be the worst place for some people because sitting all day and reading about one illness after another puts ideas in their heads. Of course you may not be doing the latter but it seems very likely that you are.

07-05-15, 14:13
I used to suffer with health anxiety so I know how you feel. I have had fears of DVT and PE. Honestly if you've been to A&E and they've done blood work then you don't have DVT. The blood work would indicate there was something going on and the doctors would not have let you go home. Also they can tell from checking your BP and oxygen levels, which I am sure they'd have checked in A&E also. All of this should reassure you.

If the pains are persisting then i would see your GP. Anxiety can cause us to feel pain acutely, I know this too well. It makes you hyper aware of every feeling and thought. You are jumpy and panic at everything.

The best treatment for health anxiety is CBT. It works wonders if you dedicate yourself to it. I believe medication can help ease the anxiety but the hard work comes from CBT. I don't believe medication is the cure, it hasn't been for me but therapy and self help books can.

Good luck. I hope things get easier for you.


07-05-15, 20:10
I've had an achey leg for eight weeks getting me down did u find out what it was after x