View Full Version : introduction and dizzy question

07-05-15, 00:14
Hi all, I am new here just joined tonight so please be patient if something similar has been posted previously.
Ill start at the beginning. Im a 23 year old female, I am healthy physically (as far as im aware) mentally im ok... I have suffered depression in the past stemmed from PND! I have suffered with anxiety problems for around 4 years now.
My symptoms started on saturday afternoon at around 4.30pm, hubby and I were sorting dinner and I suddenly felt dizzy so had a sit down, I figured its probably because I hadnt eaten since 10am and hadn't drank much either. I ate dinner drank loads of water, litres of it! I had some chocolate (incase it was sugar levels)... still felt the same at bedtime (11.30pm)
Woke up sunday, felt ok for a few hours, dizziness returned, like a floating feeling, drunk almost! , again I had some sugar and water etc to no avail :( monday and tuesday were pretty much the same despite eating and drinking normally. Today I woke up and felt much better, no dizziness until around 4pm when collecting my daughter from nursery, this time I really felt like I would faint!! It has been on and off all night, feeling off balance, lightheaded, drunk without consuming alcohol? I dont have any other symptoms apart from a very slight headache (tonight only, no other days) and I will occasionally see blurry spots or tiny black dots in my vision.
I did see my GP yesterday who basically shrugged me off, said it was most likely a viral ear infection and it would clear up within a week or two! No offer of blood tests etc! I am starting to worry now what it could be, I have no ear infection signs etc, she didnt even look!?! Its completely messing up my life atm, I have two kids who i feel unable to look after properly because im so fuzzy(?) so greatful for my husband atm! Could anyone shed some light on this? I havent been stressed or had any illness or injury just random dizzy spells, no panic attacks no anxiety attacks. I cant take this much longer :( :mad::wacko::scared15::unsure:

---------- Post added 07-05-15 at 00:14 ---------- Previous post was 06-05-15 at 23:58 ----------

I should have added I am not on any medication atm and haven't been for over a year so this cant possibly be a side effect if any drug, I dont have any history of dizzy spells before now and ike stated previously I have no other symptoms. I have an eye test booked for friday incase its just my vision causing problems, and plan to make another appointment with a different gp if this continues to friday!

Gary A
07-05-15, 00:43
There are a few conditions associated with the inner ear that would cause dizziness without any other symptoms. Labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis spring to mind. These cause extreme episodes of vertigo.

You mention a light headed floating feeling. This can be consistent with anxiety, possibly caused by over breathing or adrenaline rushes.

I think it's wise to give it a few days to see if it calms a little. As I said, there are a few viral ear conditions that would explain your symptoms, but if it persists longer than two weeks make another appointment with the GP.

07-05-15, 03:32
Allergies? They make me really dizzy sometimes. But I agree if it doesn't get better then see your dr and push for a blood test might just be a vitamin or mineral your body is low on. hope you feel better soon!

07-05-15, 05:47
Hi, I just went to the doctor for what sounds like very similar symptoms. It started 3 days ago and I thought it was my anxiety symptoms. But it felt different. I too have a slight headache as well and a sore neck. With my dizziness and vertigo feelings it makes me feel very nauseous. Anyway, the doc has said it's BPPV. Benign paroxysmal position vertigo. All stems from the middle ear. Not dangerous and will go away, but feels bloody horrible. Yes, it does feel like I'm drunk. I've got exercises to do to help move the fluid in my middle ear. Doc said that it could be like this for a week or so. What I really hate about this, is that it's making me panic because of the unusual sensations.