View Full Version : Traffic Tickets and anxiety are preventing my appetite

07-05-15, 01:48
I have maintained a clean driving record for 12 years and in this past year, have received two speeding tickets. My first was graciously listed under a non-moving violation to avoid points and was just a fine. On monday, I foolishly made a quick right turn at an intersection because the cars to my left were blocking my view of oncoming traffic...I should have waited. After safely completing the turn I was again stopped for speeding.

I take full responsibility for my actions, and at the same time, my anxiety has prevented me from eating for 3 days. I feel like I won't be able to eat again until the next 3 years of my life have passed by and the tickets are cleared from my record.

Please know that I am in no way looking for pity. I am badly in need of help to regain my appetite!

Thank you so much for your advice!

07-05-15, 17:52
Hi mate, welcome to No More Panic.

You should be immensely proud of yourself. You've accepted responsibility for what you did and offered no excuses, which is not common in today's world. You didn't even make a sarcastic comment about the police, who after all should be catching murderers and paedophiles rather than issuing speeding tickets, so props to you for that.

It seems like you're halfway through the battle already. Allow yourself to accept that you did something a bit naughty, you got caught, you were man enough to say "Yes, that was me, I'm sorry", and now it's done. It can't hurt you any more.