View Full Version : Convinced I have a brain tumor

07-05-15, 11:33
Basically all my worries started around december of last year when I went to the clinic about a strange sensation in my chest like my heart skipped a beat. I'm 21, so anything heart related is strange, but I was basically told I was fine, that I had a pvc, and sent home. Afterwards, I had random chest pains and that same sensation in my chest, so again I went to the clinic, got an x ray of my chest, again told I was fine, and that I had anxiety.

Come early February, I start getting muscle fasciculations all over my body, non-stop. If I wasn't moving, something was twitching. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, I have this weird single spot on my back, on the upper left side, that hurts from time to time, sometimes even has this weird numbing sensation. Even more worrying, was the intermittent random shots of pain I get around my joints, sometimes even my ears. Though this symptom only occurred once or twice throughout this entire period. This goes on for a month or so before I finally go to a clinic and am referred to a neurologist.

I tell her everything I've experienced and she is unsure of the cause so she orders an mri of my neck/back, and a nerve test. That's where I currently am, but I can't help but shake the feeling it's a brain tumor, especially since I've gotten a headache or two recently.

My issue is that I read the symptoms and am convinced I have them. I believe I have trouble with speech, I do seem to trip up on what I'm saying often. No one seems to mention it, so I'm not sure if I really have that issue or if I'm just convincing myself I do. Same thing with dizziness and irritability. I'm just always scared, and when paired with the non-stop twitching that's still continuing, I have a hard time going to sleep. I'm worried I have a brain tumor, and that the more time I waste not getting my head scanned, the less time I'll have to cope with the news if it's true. Or, worse, that I'll just end up actually passing away one of these nights and go out in a terrified panic.

I know my symptoms aren't exactly favorable. I most likely do have something wrong with me, possibly even a brain tumor, but living in fear like this feels just as likely to kill me as any disease. I'm not sure how to cope with this.

07-05-15, 19:04
I have all of these symptoms and many, many more. My story has been very similar to yours. A brain tumor is my biggest fear. But I've been worrying about it for 3 years and nothing has happened yet, so that's a pretty clear sign that it is just anxiety. I've finally begun accepting this.

By all means, get your tests and see the specialists you've been referred to, but these symptoms can very well be anxiety, as crazy as it seems. It sounds like you are very anxious and scared, have you sought any advice on managing your worries? From someone who suffered for a long time - please don't let health anxiety drag on and ruin your life. It's better to address it early!

08-05-15, 04:14
Non of your symptoms relate to a brain tumour. On top of that they are very spradic and dont seem to make sense with how the body works. I think its safe to say its anxiety related. Stress causes a lot of non specific symptoms which is what it sounds like you have.