View Full Version : panic Anxiety/Everyday???

07-05-15, 12:20
Hi All,

Everyday I wakeup and feel fine for the first 5 mins then the Anxiety starts , just constant feelings of being on edge, That nervous butterfly feeling all over and not being able to relax or it still....Feelings of dred that something's going to happen, feeling like your going to blackout and just feeling scared. I keep taking deep breaths but its everyday....Does anyone else feel like this everyday and how do you cope throughout the day or get rid of it???

08-05-15, 02:50
As soon as I would open my eyes panic would creep in. It would ease up a little as the morning went on but would return in the evening. I have been on 10mg of Lexapro for a few months and it has really helped. I've had some CBT sessions that were really great also.

10-05-15, 04:22
I am currently going through that. The minute I wake up, that gut wrenching fear sets in and I have to get up. It's usually about 5am. It's terrible. I just started Pristiq today. I pray this will help. I'm about at the end of my rope.

31-05-15, 14:52
Hi All,

Everyday I wakeup and feel fine for the first 5 mins then the Anxiety starts , just constant feelings of being on edge, That nervous butterfly feeling all over and not being able to relax or it still....Feelings of dred that something's going to happen, feeling like your going to blackout and just feeling scared. I keep taking deep breaths but its everyday....Does anyone else feel like this everyday and how do you cope throughout the day or get rid of it???

I do it's horrible

31-05-15, 16:17
I am still doing it. Still no relief yet. :(

08-06-15, 16:18
Me too at the moment ....... So fed up of the constant butterflies - can't drop off to sleep and when I do I wake within an hour panic again ....... I don't think I can take much more I am broken :-(

10-06-15, 02:25
I understand exactly what your going through! It's god awful, wouldn't wish it upon my enemy.. Last few months have been a nightmare. Three weeks ago I started Prozac but still very anxious :(

10-06-15, 08:42
Yeah I have had this every day to certain extent for the past 3 years. Some days it comes in waves and I just feel an overall anxious feeling and other days its utter panic mode all day. To cope I exercise. Even just 5/10 mins on my exercise bike is enough to get my heart pumping and get rid of some of the anxiety. Its also good if the weather is bad outside or I can't face going outside. Going for a walk helps too.

I also play video games to distract myself. If it hadn't been for Skyrim the last 6 months, I dread to think how much worse my anxiety and panics would be.