View Full Version : Life with low iq

07-05-15, 16:35

What do you think, is life worth living when having low iq?
For me this fact is the main reason of my everydays anxiety and depression.

I am 27 years old, currently dont have any job, no girlfriend, allmost no friends.
I spent my whole youth as a bystander while people in my age enjoyed life and exceled in various things.
I guess one way to get over it is to accept it. Iv also thought about complete retreat from the society, to let go any desires I still have.
Perhaps whem I am old enough I just dont give a s...anymore. Suicide is possible option aswell.

07-05-15, 17:12
When Stephen Hawking was asked about his IQ, this was his awesome response:
"I have no idea. People who boast about their I.Q are losers." :roflmao:

IQ doesn't even have much to do with intelligence, and it's still debated as to whether it's actually an effective way of understanding intelligence. It also doesn't take into account other forms of intelligence, such as creative, emotional, social, musical, artistic intelligence, etc! Having a low IQ does not make you undeserving of a wonderful, happy, fulfilling life, and it certainly doesn't mean that you cannot be talented, skilled, creative, or even a genius at whichever things you enjoy doing and are masterful at. <3

07-05-15, 23:39
I have a moderately high IQ but it has not got me where I am in this world, often it was a detriment. Personality is more important. We were all tested in school. I don't think the test is accepted anymore.

08-05-15, 04:34
Do you mean IQ or intelligence in general or ont doing well at school, etc?

Its not everything, it matters far more what type of person you are. Having the right qualities to be a good person has no link to intelligence surely or we wouldn't have horrible people who were considered learned. I've known many amazing people who didn't do well at school so I wouldn't care in the slightest about it.

Could you try to develop your mind based on things you are interested in? Are there any clubs or societies you could join for this so you have a social element to. Or maybe a course?

08-05-15, 11:24
Well i dont know my real iq, its just a guess based on my achievements.
I just know that my capabilities are pretty narrow. I dont consider my talents as something to to be worth devoloping. Its all about math and logical thinking- thats the true measurement of ones worth imo.
Nothing has convinced me otherwise, not yet.

17-05-15, 08:22
My uncle has a very high IQ based on testing he did and was a very poor student, marginal at best. Conversely, the dux of my school was not a genius, but a very hard worker.

I don't think it means too much and you shouldn't define yourself in such terms, especially if you're only guessing. What's more important is your character, imo. There are lots of different vocations (if that's what you're worried about) that don't prioritise or rely heavily on logic/mathematical reasoning.

In terms of potentially having a lower-than-average IQ, what are your primary concerns?

17-05-15, 19:42
Logic can be learned. Unfortunately it isn't taught, it is something you pick up. It comes from the question "why". If you know why some things work you have logic. Expand your logic by asking why things work. Math will come with logic because it is logic.
I got to 48 on the game bug by asking why and finding the logic. So now the logic is in memory and I can run through the first games fast because memory remembers the logic and uses it. Logic only needs a few uses to be remembered and used. This is just learning. Just asking the question why. Anyone with patience can do this. Unfortunately with that game people forget to ask why and use logic that doesn't work. The biggest question in that game is "why" are there extra squares on this side. Logic is because they are needed.
IQ has nothing to do with the ability to learn.