View Full Version : physical pains

07-05-15, 23:50
hi just wanted to ask a question!
can i get pains even when in not anxious?
i feel ok until i start to get a pain! I need to know i will get past the pains!

08-05-15, 01:44
I don't understand the question kim.

08-05-15, 04:12
Yes. You can still get pains even if your not anxious. Because your anxiety probablynis health related your body creates stress
... Stress can create hundreds of symptoms. Even if your aren't feeling anxious at that particular time it ks all psychosomatic.

08-05-15, 05:44
Yes, they could be symptoms associated with anxiety which don't requirte anxiety itself to be present e.g. muscular tension.

You are also still able to experience the same pain that any human being can so it is also possible that pain can be real and that an anxious person can then react to it with anxiety. This is known as primary and secondary pain. Even with real primary pain, we can minimise the impact of secondary pain or we can focus negatively on it and intensify our secondary pain.

08-05-15, 07:34
ok its just very annoying when i don't seem to be anxious but like u said terry i get the pain then i get anxious but i think something awful is going to happen.

08-05-15, 07:40
Do you know what might happen, Kim? Or do you automatically assume its something and then panic about that condition? What do you do when the pain comes, do you start Googling or is it more dwelling on the physical sensations?

08-05-15, 07:55
its as soon as i wake up i get a pain in my neck an chest its awful, i think i dwell on it but i try not to but it doesn't matter wot i do its always there.

08-05-15, 08:13
Has your GP referred you for any therapy yet?

As a GAD sufferer, mine was 24/7 anxiety symptoms. It took a long time to get to a better place for me, but I had relapsed and had been dealing with GAD for 4-5 years by that point so it had become a lot more ingrained. When I was first referred they have me a few exercises to try to relieve the tension. It did help a little and as time moved on things like this helped more.

I'm wondering whether they could give you some exercises that you could use when you wake and at certain points of the day that might ease this a little.

08-05-15, 08:58
i have a mental health worker an I see someone from mind but nothing seems to be working with me!
i think in beyond help?
if iv have it as long as u did im really not going to cope

08-05-15, 09:10
Funnily enough, Kim, thats exactly what I said years ago. But I'm still here, I've been through a difficult relapse and I cope. We don't know how strong we are sometimes. Besides, there is nothing to say you will not recover sooner, my first 5 years I had no therapy or anything, only meds and a routine check up with my GP...so I was always heading for relapse. I didn't learn the skills I needed, I was flailing around and I buried my self in work (avoidance).

You are not beyond help, no one is, its just finding what works for you and right now its still early on so you have to try to hang on to the fact that there are people out there who have been so bad that they have been hospitalised but they are still around and doing well. There are several on here.

08-05-15, 09:17
i know its not going to go soon im really scared all of the time of the pains nothing bad is going to happen to me is it?
sorry to keep going on about it!

08-05-15, 09:30
Thats ok, Kim, we've all been there or still are.

The fight or flight response is there to warn us about danger but in these disorders its working for nothing so we keep getting these feelings that something bad will happen or there is some danger lurking but the reality is, there isn't. I wish it were that simple to tell it go away but sadly it can take a while. It does get easier though as each time things get that bit easier, you will start to regain your confidence and know that there is a way out because you have started to see results.

08-05-15, 11:58
i get the odd few days so must be doing something right? Just want it to go altogether!