View Full Version : help me again

08-05-15, 09:09
Still coughing hard ..... Chesty bringing up loads of flem ..... I mean tons dark green brown wheezy abit not too much but does hurt leg pain still there

Gary A
08-05-15, 09:21
Your chest X-Ray was clear so at worse you've got a minor chest infection. Weren't you prescribed any antibiotics by the hospital doctor? Also, this pain in your leg, what is it you're worried about here? It's only a sore leg, it's probably a tense muscle or a minor strain.

You really need to stop this.

08-05-15, 09:26
You are FINE. You'd still be in the hospital if you were actually really ill. We all get leg pains from time to time. I do. I always wonder at least a briefly if it's something horrible, but it never has been. I have a 100% success rate of recovery from mystery leg pain. :winks:

I hope you get the help you really need.

Gary A
08-05-15, 09:31
Forgive me, but I'm going to go off on one a bit here. Aren't you a mother? What kind of example are you setting to your child? How do you think this affects them seeing you in this state all the time? I'm not criticising you for having health anxiety, that's not your fault, but what exactly are you doing about it?

Did you speak to your GP about it? Did you tell them you think your mental health requires treatment? Did you seek to gain access to a mental health specialist?

This is becoming absurd now, you were literally in hospital less than 24 hours ago and have been given the all clear on a number of tests, yet, here you are again.

Get yourself to your doctor, tell them you want help dealing with your anxiety and for goodness sake stop obsessing over a health issue that quite categorically is not there.

You're a mother, you owe it to yourself and most of all your child to do what you can to rid yourself of this condition, or at least make improvements.

08-05-15, 10:05
I suffered quite badly with health anxiety a few years ago, I still get a few blips, but on the whole better. As said Crazymum, you need to stop for a second and think about it. You have been to hospital, had tests done, and they were all good.

There is nothing seriously wrong with you, its your anxiety, its taking control so calm down and tell yourself that the health professionals, the people who have studied hard for years, have checked you out and you are ok. Trust in that, because its the truth, you are actually ok, just a bit under the weather.

08-05-15, 13:54
I'd have to echo the comments here. We all know first hand how hard it is and it's a very difficult cycle.
However you have to Want to get better and be Willing to make changes. You have yourself and your kid/s to think about. Nothing will ever change unless you do


08-05-15, 16:28
Yeah do you not think I want too get better here??? Do you not think I want my kids too be with a happy mum?,I am seriously ill ..... Like seriously mental whatever I admit I'm not well my doctor says I'm fine no need for medication as fear of taking it and hospital said I'm fine no need too see the nut house doctor ..... I'm freaking out every second of everyday .... You are all making out that I want too stay like this I was fine up until six weeks ago now I'm on the floor I got numbers but NHS take up too 8 weeks for therapy I'm not sucidual but I have had enough not enough to kill myself obviously but enough stress

08-05-15, 16:42
The only things that are going to help you are medication, or therapy, or both together. I hate medication, I hate the side effects, I hate feeling different to normal, but it helps me to help myself get better.

There is no miracle cure that anyone can let you in on, on the forum, and there isn't a lot anyone can say to make you feel better, because people have already tried.

If I were in your position, I would go to the doctors and not leave until I had some help, because what else can you do?

08-05-15, 16:47
Everyone here has been in your shoes ...

But, you need to come to GRIPS with the fact YOU DO maybe need medication.

What do you fear? I promise you that the anti-anxiety medication will not HARM you. All it's going to do is STOP the adrenaline rushes and CALM you down so you can ATTEMPT to think rationally.

You need to take a break from this web site.. you need to outside and take a deep breath of fresh air. You are alive today... you will be alive tomorrow and most likely alive for many years to come.

GO HUG YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-05-15, 16:48
Sorry if you took my comment the wrong way it wasn't intended to imply you don't want to get better.

The thing is we can only go off what you post on here, which is difficult, we cannot help you we can only advise and when the same advise is being given time and time again there comes a point when something else needs to be done.
If you have told your GP how bad your anxiety is, all the feelings you are having ect and they are not willing to do anything then you need to report this and change doctor.

Do you have anyone around you to confide in who can help you get the treatment you need?

08-05-15, 17:08
My doctor said there is nothing for anxiety ?? Pill wise only Valium for sleep at night he said therapy only option but taking long time .... I ring everyday I do not have money too go private

Gary A
08-05-15, 17:47
SSRI's are also used to treat anxiety so he's talking nonsense. Also, it may be a long wait for psychological referral, but why not just...you know...wait? It's got to be better than doing nothing and suffering like this has it not? At least then you'd be taking positive steps and not just rolling over, calling yourself "mental" and letting it get the better of you.

08-05-15, 18:05
My doctor said there is nothing for anxiety ??

I find it hard to believe a medical professional would say this. Pick up the phone and call the office. Ask to speak with another doctor if necessary. There are many medications SSRI and non SSRI that can help treat anxiety.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
08-05-15, 18:24
I find it hard to believe a medical professional would say this.
Struggling with that one myself I have to say.

08-05-15, 19:09
No body no my family are great don't get me wrong but no one too understand actually I don't understand myself

08-05-15, 19:23
Valium IS NOT I REPEAT NOT The only medicine you can take

Call a NEW doctor.. I take Clonazepam (spelling?) .. it's LIKE Xanax.

Works great and really if you ask for 0.5 mg, the only side effect I get is CALMING DOWN!

Trust me.. what you need is some Xanax for a week to get your head straight.

08-05-15, 19:33
Propranolol really helped with my anxiety, completely eradicated my Panic Attacks. I would think long and hard before I took any antidepressant medication.

08-05-15, 20:10
No one I can talk too no

08-05-15, 21:04
Have you tried to talk to anyone in your family? Who knows maybe they will be more understanding than you think?

You have a right to therapy and medication. A doctor cannot say there is nothing for you. They must refer you for some help.

08-05-15, 23:28
Wow. How ancient is your doctor if he says there is nothing to help anxiety? There are a multitude of medications that will help you get to a better place so you can work through this. I know you're fearful, but it's probably what will help you the most right now.

09-05-15, 00:02

09-05-15, 00:51
You don't have to pay for CBT. There are others here doing it on their own. Quite successfully too. Clonazepam and Xanax are use specific benzo's. Valium is still the safest one for anxiety. Ativan is the worst. SSRIs do not work for everyone. There are other meds besides these. Tricyclics and Buspar, but you still ned a Doctor for them.

09-05-15, 05:23
The doctor told you that there is no medication for anxiety? Well I'm just going to call you out on that one. Your posts are becoming very repetitive. I would wonder if you are actually genuine but...

09-05-15, 06:37
I find it hard to believe a medical professional would say this. Pick up the phone and call the office. Ask to speak with another doctor if necessary. There are many medications SSRI and non SSRI that can help treat anxiety.

Positive thoughts

Struggling with that one myself I have to say.

The doctor told you that there is no medication for anxiety? Well I'm just going to call you out on that one. Your posts are becoming very repetitive. I would wonder if you are actually genuine but...

There might be a reason for this and it could also be a misinterpretation given the level of anxiety.

If you look at the NICE Stepped Care Model for the UK its very clear that medication is not a 1st line treatment. Even if referred for Level 3 High Intensity Therapy (CBT, DIT, Applied Relaxation, etc) it does not mean there has to be medication involved although they can be used side by side. Its when you get into Level 4 when they start questioning whether you should take medication because things may not work without it.

The GP can assess the anxiety disorder as severe enough to warrant early drug therapy but if its not that bad, use of Diazepam and referral off for things like Level 2 Guided Self Help or the Level 3 CBT is inline with national guidelines.

That’s how it works for GAD & Panic Disorder. It’s a little different for OCD and depression and I haven’t read the Social Anxiety one so I can’t say on that. There is no NICE guidelines for HA or as its known in the UK, one of the various Somatoform Disorders so I suspect the GAD model may be used.

So, could it be that there has been a misinterpretation by the OP given the level of anxiety she currently feels?

There was an old style of doctoring where GP’s were less open with patients as previous generations were more trusting. So, could it be that an old fashioned GP says something like this to keep the patient concentrating on now as opposed to what they could get?

Something I can remember when I first had a breakdown was when I kept raising issues over side effect of Citalopram (my GP told me the side effects were “some sweating & loose bowel” so I was a bit shocked reading the PIL but trusted his advice) I distinctly remember him saying “the only choice is to stay on them or just come off as there is nothing else”. Imagine my annoyance years later when I found out there were quite a few other SSRI’s and a NICE guidance document instructing my GP to do the opposite? It could be argued that my GP did this to get me to focus on getting through the side effect period however lying to a patient would be a breach of his oath.

There is also a current poster on another board who has been told she can only have Sertraline as there is nothing else. She’s been on it for a couple of months at a higher than starting dosage and its not working at all but her GP refuses to switch it. NICE guidance is very clear that the GP should switch if this happens. Imagine her surprise when I showed her that guidance?

So, sadly things like this do go on but there is also the issue of how we are thinking at the time and whether we fully understand what we are being told.

09-05-15, 09:22
I have to agree with the other comments. There are many kinds of anxiety medication, both anxiolytic and otherwise. You could try beta-blockers, SSRIs, SNRIs, benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, RIMAs, TCAs, NaSSAs, NARIs, MAOIs, even some herbal remedies and supplements... You also need to ask for a referral for therapy if you haven't already.

In the meantime, there are many CBT/meditation/mindfulness resources available online and even on this website. Try and pursue these kinds of therapy until you can be seen by a professional.

Nobody here (I don't think) believes that you don't want to get better, but you need to continue to persevere until you find someone or something that can help you! If your gp genuinely said that valium was all he could give you, see someone else. You need a supportive GP as much as anything else, imo.

Best of luck.

09-05-15, 09:25
If your gp genuinely said that valium was all he could give you, see someone else. You need a supportive GP as much as anything else, imo.

But thats correct according to the national guidelines, Emily. Unless the OP is severe enough to warrant starting say an SSRI at this point, they will try a therapy referral and Diazepam for any emergencies in a very limited supply with regular monitoring sessions.

So, the GP may be correct in his/her actions. Another GP may say exactly the same so its worth exploring why it was said. The OP may have misunderstood.