View Full Version : Sex Headache

24-01-07, 19:26
Sorry if this is TMI...I've had this a couple of times and it's scaring me. Anyone else get this? Please no scary stories! It's a sudden, intense pain that subsides after 30 minutes and then a dull headache lingers.

24-01-07, 19:44
I want to add, also, that it's happened twice. I've quizzed several people and all tell me it's not something catastrophic that I need to go to the ER for. I'm getting ready to leave for a vacation today. Also, it's been a very stressful last month and I've been a bit lax about my meds. Thanks so much, Meredith.

24-01-07, 19:50
Can't answer specifically, but be aware the excitement of sex can trigger off an anxiety attack too. As usual it depends on the person and thoughts/history.

Are you saying the sudden intense pain is in your head also?



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-01-07, 19:54
It's strictly head pain. It's like a migraine. I've done the research--unfortunately--and I'm aware that like with anything there's a risk that it's something catastrophic. However, the odds are very remote. My anxiety don't care. I zero in on the worst possible scenario. My brain has a hard time accepting that it's more than likely nothing.

Thanks so much, Meredith

24-01-07, 20:30
What is this "Sex" thing you are talking about??....lol

Sarah x

24-01-07, 21:04
Yeah, well, now that this has me so paranoid my husband is pretty sure none is in his near future!;)

24-01-07, 21:30
Gawd - I'm embarassed to reply to this - sorry Meredith.

Yes, I've had this too - just when you're "getting there". It was about 6 months before my anxiety came on full blown. My symptoms are exactly as you describe, only the shooting pain was in the back of my head - strange place I thought for a headache.

It had me worried silly. No way was I going to my GP, because I struggle to discuss normal things with him. It lasted about 2 months in total. It was horrid at the time.

The good news ? It just went away. I have no idea what it was, but there was nothing wrong with my head, no illness, no problems, no nothing, it just went away. Things are now back to normal.

I can empathise with you as at the time it was horrific. I didn't go down the avoidance route, celibacy is no fun and you'd be missing out on all those feel good chemicals your body preduces.

Hope it gets better soon.


24-01-07, 21:33
Hi Meredith!

Hope Grannies are allowed to respond to this post??

I am subject to migraines and this has happened quite often to me depending on the ahem (whisper now.. intensity of the activity!) It is also sometimes accompanied by the beginnings of an anxiety attack (whisper again!.....after the activity!) [8)]

I'm sure this has nothing to do with anything catastrophic and everything to do with the normal rise in blood pressure and hormone and adrenalin levels that occurs during the above. And maybe the lax in taking your meds is a contributory factor? Don't know.

To put your mind at rest I'd mention it to your doctor.

Happy Days!

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


PS: I thought the headache was suppose to come on before?? sorry, don't mean to sound insensitive !!!

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

24-01-07, 21:45
You guys are lifesavers. Krackers, mine is the same except the pain is in my forehead. GroovyGranny, the lack of meds sure doesn't help...the reason I've been in "the mood" so often lately is because I've been lax! Irony sucks.

I'm going to try like heck to put this behind me and enjoy our trip.

24-01-07, 21:47
Yeah! Go Meredith!!

Enjoy your holiday!![8D]

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

25-01-07, 00:15
I have had the headache in the forehead and it seems when I have to put a lot of or want to put the extra effort. My friend had it once as well. I did however ask my doctor about it and he said we bild of a lot of pressure and don't breathe properly.

You' ll be fine and for heaven sake don't stop do it again and not so aggressive(Te he te the_)


25-01-07, 18:40
i read somewhere that having sex actually relieves a headache - especially a migraine

maybe written by a man though lol

........life is for living not just for surviving

26-01-07, 04:31
I used to suffer this years ago.There is a medical name for it that I can't remember but basically it's stress/anxiety and nothing to worry about.

Don't believe everything you think.

26-01-07, 15:40

Benign coital headaches tend to occur before or during orgasm, and may persist for a period of minutes, or hang on for hours after sex. It can occur in both men and women. Although benign coital or orgasmic headaches are very painful, they present no other acute threat. They are thought to result from muscle contraction, and/or blood vessel dilation, in the head and neck during sex.


26-01-07, 16:11
I read about this recently in a science periodical and can agree with what eeyorelover says. The fact is that there is a change in the circulation and blood pressure over certain parts of the body (I'm sure you can imagine where), which in turn can affect the muscle tension and blood vessels around other parts such as the head and neck. Alot of women have the post-coital rash over the neck and chest for the same reasons, 'though I don't believe it's caused by anxiety. It's probably the same reason some women (and men) complain they have a headache when arousal starts.

26-01-07, 20:42
Mines definately happen BEFORE, yep, definately. On another note, if I am lax in my meds, it might put me more in the mood? If I tell hubby he'll hide them:D

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

29-01-07, 01:01
You guys are all awesome--seriously! You all have no idea how much I appreciate your posts.
