View Full Version : starting too feel like im just mental and HA and OCD is just a excuse

08-05-15, 16:37
Bloody mental bitch that I am think I should just run away

08-05-15, 17:14
You're not crazy, please don't run away. I know it's absolutely horrible to have health anxiety but to echo the other comments here, the only way to deal with it is to face up to it and get help for it. I've been there with the crazy. I felt like I was losing my mind. I have never ever experienced mental health issues whatsoever before, and then in February my HA began and it floored me. I now have a massive new found empathy for anyone with any kind of mental illness. I never thought something like that could happen to me, and yet it did. You're not crazy, but you are going through a tough time with some issues that you need help with. Firstly, from your other posts it looks like you've been tested for any physical ailments. If they all came back clear then it's time to put that to bed. I know it's easier said than done as I've been there. But try to start off small and each time you get a worry about your physical symptoms, just say to yourself "I've been tested. There's nothing wrong with me. It's all anxiety". I've found that repeating this mantra has helped massively.