View Full Version : what if its cancer

08-05-15, 21:20
Heya guys,

I was hoping someone could hell peel me off the ceiling, i have gotten myself all worked up thinking i have cancer, i have had chest pain of varying types or nearly two years and have always thought it wad my heart, it burns,shoots,aches etc sometimes its hard to breath, sometimes i have a bitter taste in my mouth or feeling like my throat is dry, or closing up. Im terrified its cancer plus i had a heart ultrasound and thought i saw three little lumps on it im really freaking out. I dont want to die

Is this just my anxiety again as thats the onky thing all doctors seem to say xxx i havent told them about my cancer fears.i dont want it to be cancer. It all started after i read a story about a 33 year old mother of two that had oral cancer that became terminal as it had spread to her lungs while in hospital now im thinking the tiredness and chest pain etc is cancer too.

Anyone have this with anxiety i dont want it to be lethal please help if you can

08-05-15, 21:24

You really have it bad don't you, anxiety that is. I can say i've experienced them symptoms a lot when my anxiety was bad. You say you had an ultrasound i'm assuming it was all clear, have you had other tests like bloods ect?

Nobody can give a diagnosis, but from your post it's very clear to see you suffer from anxiety and the symptoms you describe are very common anxiety symptoms. I think you should tell your GP about your cancer fears and your struggle with anxiety, they will be able to help you.

08-05-15, 21:33
Thanks sam123, i am still waiting for the resukts from ultrasound on my heart, but ive had countless ecgs, blood tests and chest xrays. Im sorry if it comes across as being silly but i just cant stop worrying x

08-05-15, 21:46
...just my anxiety again as thats the onky thing all doctors seem to say

I'm a survivor. The mantra is: "It's not cancer until the say it is".

That being said and based on the tens of thousands of posts outlining similar symptoms on this site, the question that you should be asking yourself is:

"What if it's NOT cancer?"

Positive thoughts

08-05-15, 22:49
No you're not coming across silly, believe me i've come out with some completely irrational and illogical things before. Most of the time i've knew that i was wrong, but that niggling doubt that anxiety gives you is very hard. Definitely speak to your GP, and don't feel silly telling them exactly how you feel with your worries.