View Full Version : Think I may have anxiety

08-05-15, 21:43
It started in 2013 lost my grandad and was awaiting test results for my dad as he wasn't well
When my grandad passed away I was on my way to work when my mum had phoned to say he had gone and she had to go and be with my gran as they live half a hour from us so I had to go home
One day after this while at work I had to get sent home as I felt I couldn't breathe and felt like I had something stuck in my throat then 10 mins late to burst into tears
Later that year dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. I've also noticed I get panicky if my daughter is even a few minutes late if she's been out playing I start to think what if this what if that's happened

Also I worry about my health too recently even though I don't smoke or drink much. My main health worries are cancer heart attacks strokes or any type of blood clot.
Panicked on Tuesday there as at round about 8pm I started to feel faint had to lie down and nibble on some chocolate had to get my daughter to bring in house phone as I was scared incase I did pass out what would she do as she's only 11
Was checked out at the hospital blood sugar was ok and he had no other concerns but I still feel panicky about my health
I'm due a blood pressure check on Monday as when I was at the nurse 2 weeks ago getting a routine test done she aways checks my BP and weight I've put weight back on and BP was a little high so I've to go back Monday

I feel ok now except for the aches and pains I'm experiencing in my back and side also for 2 days I was convinced I had diabetes

Sorry for the long story but a lot to say lol xxxx
Ps work doesn't help matters much either

08-05-15, 22:06
It sounds like you have had a tough time of things recently and it is only natural to be anxious about things because of what has happened.

To be honest it does sound like you are sutffering from some sort of health anxiety maybe caused by the death of your grandfather and also your dads diagnosis.

you are doing all the right things in getting your blood pressure checked etc perhaps mention to your dr what you have said to us, that you are worrying about your health and think you are suffering from anxiety and they could help in that respect too.

One of the main things I have learnt in my CBT is that when you are panicking and anxious about things is that your blood pressure goes up so you are very very unlikely to pass out as passing out is caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure

08-05-15, 22:13
I get quite worried about things and there's something I forgot to put in was that recently lost my dad to cancer just at the start of February
I can go months feeling ok then it's like something triggers these feelings off again
Mates have been telling me to see a doc and say what I'm feeling just never done it till now
I'll be a state on Monday
That's how I joined here so I can get more advice and support from others who are experiencing something like what iam
