View Full Version : Heart Attack symptoms or muscle aches?

08-05-15, 23:28
Hi All,
Its been a really long time since i have posted anything to do with any symptoms i have been having. But lately some weird ones have been creaping up on me and im wondering if this has to do with my heart.
I have been having episodes of nausea and vertigo mixed with neck and back pain.. basically if i look to the right or down and stretch my neck to the right i have a pain in my neck. Feels like my muscle is being pulled or feels like its tight.. this shoots pain into into my tooth as well.. it makes me dizzy and nauseous.. I also have pain in my back on the left hand side next next to my shoulder blade
this is scaring me because i read that these are sympmtoms of heart attacks in females.. i did go to the doctor and have an ecg done last weekend and bloodwork and xray that all came back normal.. so im just worried that maybe the heart attack hasnt come yet, but its coming?
Who knows. I dont know how to tell the difference between pulled muscle or a nerve spasm and something thats associated with an attack because believe it or not heart attack doesnt always present itself with chest pain.


08-05-15, 23:34
This sounds exactly like a pinched nerve in your neck/upper back.

I know because i have trouble with it often, now actually. If your sciatic nerve is compressed in your upper back you can have referred pain in many places. Your description of it makes me think it is this.

Also if you have had an ECG and bloods and an Xray, you should be sleeping very well at night. I know it doesn't work like that with Health anxiety, but you should be. Are you on any medication or having therapy for your anxiety?

09-05-15, 14:11
Hey there
Thank you for your response. I am not taking anything for my health anxiety most because I am in denial and dont think that I have that. I was going to say that I had a pinched nerve as well but I get bouts of pain in my left side of my chest. And my heart flutters sometimes.
Mix that with my vertigo and everything else and I have what I think is a classic heart attack case in a female.
I have read stories where an ECG comes back normal and then days later the heart attack hits.
I feel like I'm a ticking time bomb.

09-05-15, 14:42
These are classic symptoms of anxiety. I know it's hard to believe or understand and i;ve been where you are, take a read of this article when you have time it really helped me, you should recognize your self in this somewhere.

Health Anxiety - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/healthanxiety

Anxiety Symptoms - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms

09-05-15, 21:16
Thank you so much for the link, i have read it before.. many times actually, and it seems to work and then i feel like i have symptoms all over again. its very difficult.. i hate chest pain.. especially since i get other tihns with it.. ringing in my ears.. heavy headed.. sweaty.. double vision.. all of it..
i wonder why my left side would hurt sometimes.. its strange to me. .but perhaps it could be stress mixed with anxiety.. i just dont like how its always dimissed to that.. but maybe they are dismissing.. maybe that just is what i have.. i always feel misdiagnosed.. i have like a sharp shooting pain in my left side.. where my heart is.. and like a sore spot a little below my colour bone that if i press it.. it makes me cough lol. i dont know maybe im crazy.. but maybe im not