View Full Version : Sudden painful rash on leg. Can't sleep due to the worry...

Anxiety Jim
09-05-15, 02:43
Hi all,

Yesterday I noticed a small red patch on my leg. Annoy the size of a ten pence piece. I assumed it scratched it somehow. Today as I got ready for need I saw it again, and it's about 3 times the size now, and painful to the touch. The main areas don't disappear under a glass, but assuming it's not meningitis add I've had it over 24 hours now.

I can't shake the feeling it will spread throughout the night, and I may get a serious infection... :'(

Here's a picture:


Can anyone help at all?

09-05-15, 03:15
Sounded a little more serious until I saw the pic! Looks like a blocked hair follicle to me!! If it's a skin thing and u can see a raised area on the follicle like that as if it's pimple like then it's nothing! Take no notice, it'll go away eventually. Wipe it a few times a day with alcohol rub or peroxide if it really bothers you.

---------- Post added at 11:45 ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 ----------

Sounded a little more serious until I saw the pic! Looks like a blocked hair follicle to me!! If it's a skin thing and u can see a raised area on the follicle like that as if it's pimple like then it's nothing! Take no notice, it'll go away eventually. Wipe it a few times a day with alcohol rub or peroxide if it really bothers you. Even if it got infected what bad event could happen? You'd get an antibiotic and it would go! Nothing at all there to worry about.


Anxiety Jim
09-05-15, 13:34
Hi Kel,

Thanks very much. I've been worried that it's cellulitis or an ulcer developing. I'm morbidly obese. Earliest appointment I can get with my GP is in June :(

I've been washing it like mad since last night.

09-05-15, 14:06
I'd even cover it up so you avoid looking at it and don't irritate it by accident. Can't believe you can't get in until June!! That's terrible. Is there a walk-in clinic or something? Sometimes even pharmacists can diagnose a skin irritation.

Anxiety Jim
09-05-15, 14:34
Hi swgrl09

The nearest walk-in centre is a 20 mile drive away. I might try a pharmacist though, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

09-05-15, 15:17
Just another thought jim....is it itchy? It could also be a little bite or something like ringworm which is just a yeast on the skin and easily treated. You could always draw around the red area and watch to see if it spreads. If it does then could be an insect bite which any dr can give you antibiotics for. If it really bothers you and you can't get in to see a dr, the hospital department could easily see you as non emergent and prescribe you something. Don't stress

Anxiety Jim
09-05-15, 15:51
It's not itchy at all, it's warm(ish) and is a little painful when I press on it. It's about 3 times the size it was on Thursday, didn't grow by much at all though since last night.

I'm really worried that if it's an ulcer or cellulitis then it means I've got diabetes too. :(

10-05-15, 07:10
I'd have a pharmacist look at it, since they can probably give you something to soothe it and maybe tell you what it is.