View Full Version : How do you deal with joint/muscle pain?

09-05-15, 10:59
Hi guys,

I've been having trouble with joint pain recently. I've found out that my knee pain is actually due to hyperlaxity, which is apparently very common, especially in the knees. Unfortunately it's causing me some pain, which I'm guessing is a combination of the laxity with anxious tension etc (been referred to a rheumatologist to be sure).

I also get muscle aches and pains and have cracky joints, some of which actually hurt to crack! My knuckles especially. Again, not sure that this is normal. Cracking them feels like it relieves some tension. I feel like an old woman! Although I'm sure they have it much worse than me and I'm just being a bit of a wuss.

How do you guys deal with these kinds of symptoms, if you have them? I try to exercise often and haven't really had it this badly in a while, so maybe it's down to simply doing more exercise and strengthening my joints that are hypermobile. Or maybe I should try something like progressive muscle relaxation? Meditation?

Thanks for any advice- this is really annoying!

09-05-15, 11:29
Hi Emily,

TENS can help with muscular pain. The deep cool gel you rub on is also ok. I haven't tried the deep heat as you can't use it with asthma. Baths can be good too (and relaxing).

Pain is often referred to as primary & secondary. Primary is the actual physical pain and secondary is our response to it. So, you can reduce a lot of aches & pains simply by not focussing on it too much - the classice anxiety disorder sufferers! Its recognised though, they use CBT in symptom control of cancer and Mindfulness has studies in cancer the same, asthma control, etc. So, maybe meditation is a good way to kill two birds with one stone?

It could also be a case of supplementation. Joints can benefit from certain supplements that help with elasticity.

Make sure you are walking up & cooling down enough when you exercise. If your muscle aches come from exercise, some people say a protein shake split before & after helps.

09-05-15, 13:46
I have a lot of issues with muscle pain. I've dealt with it in many different ways over the past several years. If it is muscle related, here is my list of things that I have tried:

Accupuncture - Helpful, but expensive and time-consuming (started off going 3x per week)

Massage Therapy - Helpful, but also expensive so I only go once per month and could definitely use more frequently

Chiropractor - Helpful depending on who your chiro is... I was lucky and had a good one

Accupressure Mat (aka bed of nails) - sounds scary but was actually kind of nice, you can get them on amazon

Ice - my go-to nowadays if I can't afford a massage or don't have time.

Yoga - Helpful if I keep it gentle and not power yoga. I've found some exercise makes it worse if it is too intense with weight training.

Arnica - Surprisingly helpful for pain and inflammation (the gel). Helps when I worry that I have taken too much ibuprofen and need a break from it. I think this helps joint pain too but I don't have that as a symptom so I don't know.

09-05-15, 14:50
Hi guys,

Thanks to you both. I'll have to try out some of your suggestions!

Swgrl09, I've been considering acupuncture as my physio is a big proponent of it but I've heard that it can be quite painful and not very effective if you can't relax during the treatment.

I also used to do yoga but apparently this is actually detrimental to hypermobile joints as they need to tighten up instead of the ligaments being stretched etc. But it'd probably be great for my muscle aches! What a nuisance.

Thanks again :)

09-05-15, 19:21
Qi Gong video will give you exercise and acupressure points for pain relief. Pain is something I just live with. It is constant. At one time I would not have thought it would be possible to have constant pain or that I could ignore it.

Red Feather pain spray is good. Look on the internet.

09-05-15, 20:12
I will say my first appointment with accupuncture I was sooo nervous and tense that it was a little painful here or there .... not when they were putting the needles in, but because I would move. You should try not to move with the needles in or that hurts a little too. After the first time, I was more relaxed and after 3-4 times each time I honestly almost fell asleep. You really don't feel the needles go in.