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View Full Version : Flu like symptoms -Having a panic!

09-05-15, 13:14
So at the start of the week my son came down with a heavy cold, was quite tearful, running a temperature etc. He got over it in a few days, still has a cough etc but otherwise ok.

The day after I went to the gym and noticed I was sweating a lot more than normal. Didn't think too much of it but the next day I woke up feeling awful. My head was killing me that kind of inflamed sinus pain and I ached from head to toe, I was also shivery and really thought I was coming down with the flu.

That night I woke up sweating but yesterday I didn't feel too bad apart from the severe sinus pain and still felt a bit lethargic. I've now got up today and tried to go to the gym and I can't do it, I feel so weak and I just started sweating buckets again.

I've again got sinus pain and I'm a bit sneezy, hubby is also laid up in bed with what he said feels like flu (completely unlike him, in 15 years together he's only taken to his bed once!). So the rational side of my brain says it's a flu virus that's hit the house but the HA side is saying why don't I have the cold/sore throat symptoms that hubby and son had and what if it's something else.

So is it possible to have a flu virus without a cold/cough etc?

I keep reasoning with the fact my sinuses are incredibly sore and putting my head forward, standing up too quick etc sets them off. I'm also thinking I use saline washes quite a lot so maybe that's helped prevent a full blown cold etc.

Someone slap me please!

09-05-15, 13:41
I've had sinus infections without cough or throat problems. I've had sinus infections even without a runny nose (because it's all clogged up there). It is definitely possible! I won't slap you though because it would hurt your sinuses :) haha

09-05-15, 16:58
Thank you for the reply, I think I have just got inflamed sinuses and that's probably making me feel unwell. If it doesn't clear up in a few days think I'll pop to the GP just incase it needs antibiotics.

09-05-15, 17:03
There are all sorts of weird and wonderful viruses knocking about. We get several a year. You might well have one or you might well not. Either way you'll be fine in a few days so just use it as an excuse to lay on the sofa for a day or two and read a bloody good book or three.

10-05-15, 06:40
I've had them with coughs and no sore throats, sore throats and no coughs, some where I just feel under the weather & sneezy for a couple of days, etc. There are many strains like Serenity says and even the flu jabs you can have only protect you from the most likely strains that they identify for that winter.

My GP's told me many years ago that if you start coughing something up that isn't clear, its likely to be an infection and to go and see them. This was being I have asthma so I tend to need a bit of help with chest infections (althought I haven't needed steroids since my late teens).

I picked up one of these chest infections a couple of months back and managed to beat it with vitamin C in RDA doses which had never happened before. You can megadose, but I didn't do that and to be honest I didn't want the diarrhoea that comes with that!