View Full Version : frightened I've got anayphalaxis

09-05-15, 17:02
Hi I had some peanut butter on a sandwich with jam about 90 minutes ago and I feel I am getting pain when swallowing in my back I do get inflammation of the oesophagus now and again but I am worried my throat is tight but could this be anxiety I had this the other night when I had peanut butter so I'm not going to eat it again not worth this I've taken gaviscon and peppermint capsules as well as an esomeprazole not helping that much at the moment I'm just worried I have a peanut butter allergy but trying to do cbt here I am 43 would I not know by now I am still able to drink juice.

09-05-15, 18:43
My child has a peanut butter allergy and the reaction to the peanut proteins are instantaneous. Literally, his lips swell within seconds of ingesting it. I'm not allergic to peanuts at all, but I do find that if I eat a peanut butter sandwich, I often feel a 'stuck' feeling in my throat afterwards. I put this down to the thick consistency of the peanut butter, drink some water and it soon passes.