View Full Version : Muscle Twitches Scare

09-05-15, 20:18
Greetings everyone,

I am not feeling that great today. Throughout the day, I have been experiencing twitches mainly on my left arm, and sporadic twitches throughout my body. I am really,really concerned as I have read that a twitch concentrated on a particular body part is a red flag. What do you guys think?

I am trying so hard to be positive; I really am. I have a neurologist appointment for Tuesday.

09-05-15, 20:38
Muscle Twitching plays a big part in Anxiety.
You can have them anywhere on the body.
They seem to be mostly common in the thighs, stomach, face and eyelids.
They are not harmful, but irritating.
They are normally present when in times of high stress, tiredness and high Anxiety.
They also appear when relaxing and can be more active in the evening.
The best thing is to ignore them and they will diminish in time.
DON'T let them freak you out.
They can leave the area feeling sore and hot if in one particular area.
If it helps, I had twitches in my thighs for nearly 6 months.
Hope this helps you. :)

09-05-15, 21:05
I had twitches all over my body for years - I saw a neurologist too. I was told i have BFS Benign Fasciculation Syndrome.

Basically twitches with no known cause and that cause no damage. It's quite common.

To give you an idea of how common fasciculations are, they have been described as being present in about 80% of normal people undergoing an electromyogram (EMG), those these are noticed by the person themselves only about 50% of the time.

Because fasciculations can be intensely annoying and disruptive, people are often curious about the cause and whether they can be offered any relief. Those who search online for an explanation may become frightened by some of the serious diseases that can cause this common symptom.

For example, a quick Google search for “what causes fasciculations” almost immediately mentions amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurological illness that slowly robs people of their ability to move.

It’s important to remember that diseases like ALS are relatively uncommon—a fasciculation is more likely to be unrelated to anything so devastating. For example, many of us develop fasciculations when we have had too little sleep, too much coffee, or a wide number of medications running from diphenhydramine to pseudoephedrine.

A study of 121 patients with a diagnosis of benign fasciculations followed those patients for up to 32 years. None of those patients developed any serious motor neuron disease such as ALS. About half said their symptoms had improved.

09-05-15, 21:51
@Carnation and @Sam123...thank you so much...I noticed my twitching like 2 months ago which were occurring at random parts of my body for a duration of approximately 2 seconds but as of this week, the twitching has been dominant on my left arm with infrequent twitching on the rest of my body...I don't know if this can still be classified as benign fasciculations but I am really hoping it is not sinister

09-05-15, 21:54
Yes it can. I had them for years, sometimes in one place constantly. There were times i had 5-6 muscles twitching simultaneously. The scariest were in my abdoman but literally my face arms chest legs feet everywhere had it.

The neurologist should put your mind at ease for you. :)

09-05-15, 22:03
Yes it can. I had them for years, sometimes in one place constantly. There were times i had 5-6 muscles twitching simultaneously. The scariest were in my abdoman but literally my face arms chest legs feet everywhere had it.

The neurologist should put your mind at ease for you. :)

ok thanks much...will be back with the neurologist results on tuesday.

09-05-15, 22:04
Good i know it's difficult try to think positive thoughts, you have your appointment now so try and relax until then :)

19-05-15, 14:39
Hi Positivi,

I hope you have taken all of the good and helpful information that the others have given to you!

I have also had twitching concentrated in my right hand - IT really freaks me out.

however, I have also been to a neurologist... I told him about the twitching and the tremoring and he didn't even batt an eye. From what I have read about scary diseases including twitching is that twitching in itself is banal. IF not accompanied by weakness or change in dexterity. Therefore your condition is likely banal :)

Hope you are feeling better :hugs: