View Full Version : Anticipating/ fear of return of weird symptom

09-05-15, 22:24
Something I find especially troubling is when I feel a physical symptom and can't help but imagine it returning or getting worse.... Like emergency, something is definitely, DEFINITELY wrong worse. For example, in the past I've had a headache and then given myself catastrophic thoughts of it getting so bad that I'll lose consciousness and wake up in the hospital being given dire news, or even if the symptom is away for the moment, I worry about it coming back, but in an undeniably bad way.
Lately, I feel like I've had some phantom smells that make me worry about having a brain tumor. After it happens, I find myself worrying about it happening again and not going away... To the point where the symptom will be SO bad that it'll be obvious that something is definitely physically wrong with me.
Is this familiar to anyone else? I really hate it.

09-05-15, 22:58
I experience similar things. A LOT!

HA is a nightmare, isn't it? Congested sinuses have recently let me to believe I was dying of brain cancer on multiple occasions. And then the stress of that daily caused acid reflux, and acid reflux caused palpitations, and you can imagine what I thought then after linking them all together. It's terrible!

09-05-15, 23:36
Yes. It's like something that scares me to death happens and then I'm terrified of it happening again. The anticipation fear is almost unbearable when it happens. Does that make sense?