View Full Version : Ups and downs

10-05-15, 01:56
Well I am now on 225 mg effexor xr. Thought I was starting to feel better after 3 weeks of an increase. But last week developed an ear infection, bladder infection and also my doctor is worried as my blood pressure is high and now feeling really anxious again.

I am so tired of the ups and downs. I am pretty sure 225 mg is the highest you can go to in New Zealand. I also take seoquel 37.5 mg which only helps me sleep.

Just feel so frustrated. Nothing I do seems to help my anxiety. Any suggestions? I think I am on about week 4 or 5 of my increase. Can you ever completely ahead of this?

10-05-15, 05:28
Thats the maximum according to Drugs.com unless treating severley depressed patients in which case the maximum is 375mg per day.

Is your anxiety high because of worrying about the infections & blood pressure issue though? With the starting to feel better after 3 weeks it seems like its helping on some level so has this got in the way and could it be a temporary issue?

10-05-15, 21:54
I'm taking 300mg per day...150 in the morning and 150 at night. I've been on this dose for two years. Also 45mg mirtazapine.

10-05-15, 22:37
I'm on 187.5 of Ven,I also take a low dose of Olanzapine (5mg) at night and that finally sorted out anxiety for me.

10-05-15, 22:39
Hi Terry, I think you could be right. Feeling unwell is adding fuel to the fire. I have too much time on my hands and think too much. When I am at work or out enjoying myself I don't think about my anxiety. Feels really good, but when at home all I do is think about how I feel. Its crazy.

11-05-15, 06:36
Hi Paula,

Do you think its worth waiting until you get past the current health issues and then assessing how the new dosage is working for you?