View Full Version : bump to the head

10-05-15, 10:39
So anxious. My health anxiety is off the scale atm. Bumped my head on our wooden fireplace last night. Feel sick... bit of headache and lightheaded but don't know if it's bump or anxiety. Hate this... really wondering how much more health anxiety l can take. 😕 It's so hard... any advice?lm desperate... please

10-05-15, 13:16
Hi there,

I had the same issue a couple of months ago- you can see it on my profile if you look through my old posts.

I got so anxious about it that I felt sick and dizzy for like a week afterwards. I didn't even hit my head that hard! It was swollen for a few weeks afterwards, though, probably because I hit it on the corner or something.

My doctor said that if you didn't vomit or black out afterwards and if your ears/nose don't leak a clear fluid then you probably have a mild concussion at the worst. Call your GP if you start to feel really unwell but I think you're probably just feeling poorly because of your HA.

Take care :)

12-05-15, 05:42
Thank you for your reply really appreciate it... lm fine. I ended up going to out of hours... The doctor was pretty sure l was ok but wouldn't say for sure and wanted to send me home with a list of worsening symptoms to look out for. Of course l was going to get a worsening headache when lm so upset and anxious. anyway in the end he sent me over to a&e and that Dr had no problem telling me l was fine.
I've just had a baby so health anxiety seems to have flared.

12-05-15, 15:30
Hi again,

I'm glad you're ok. While it's important to understand that HA can cause many symptoms and, in all likelihood, caused your symptoms, I think it's better to err on the side of caution with head injuries.

All the best :)

12-05-15, 22:04
thank you, definately glad l got checked.