View Full Version : Should I be concerned?

10-05-15, 18:51
On the left side of my neck next to my adams apple I can feel a raised sausage like, what I believe is muscle, as it is not round or anything like a lump, I also have one the right side but it can only be felt when my head is turned to a certain spot but the one on the left I can feel all the time. Should i be worried? as part of me is thinking it is a swollen lymph node

Gary A
10-05-15, 20:46
The neck area has a wonderful array of lumps and bumps, so no, I wouldn't be concerned. Anything suspicious in the area sticks out like a sore thumb. It's tempting to worry over lumps, but with the vast collection of glands, nodes, veins and arteries in the neck you'll worry yourself sick if you go prodding around there.

11-05-15, 11:46
Thanks for the reply Gary, I know I have felt so many lumps over the last few months in that area, I know what i am feeling is a muscle but I still have that 'What if?' thought in the back of my mind.