View Full Version : Serious brain tumour concern

25-01-07, 01:15

First of all thank you again to all the people who replyed in my last thread and the people who sent me A P.M Your support really helped.

So after feeling a little better for a few days my brain tumour fear is back along with some worrying new symptoms.

Over the last few days ive noticed ive had a headache which hasnt been extrmley painful but is still always there. Even headache tablets dont seem to help. I also have a v.annoying sort of crackling noise in my neck / back of head whn i move my head up and down. This is also accompanied by a sort of cramp feeling in one side of neck. The crackiling noise is v.worrying, even the slightest movement causes a crackling noise (the sort you get when you tense your head) I alos feel v.bunged up in my head its like im underwater as i get crackling noises in my ears. I also have a blocked up nose feeling and pain behind my ears. I thought it might be a migraine but ive never had them before. Im also extremley tired again today. My eyesight has been v.blurry / foggy again. The doc doesnt think the neck / back of head noises are anything but along with these other new symptoms im not so sure.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Has anyone had this before?

Please help if you can

Many Thanks


25-01-07, 08:42
Hi. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling so good.

You said you have an underwater feeling in your ears and a blocked up nose feeling. Could it be your sinuses? Blocked sinuses can be very painful and uncomfortable and can give you awful headaches. Has your Doctoer checked for an ear infection? The blurred vision is probably caused by the stress, I get that too.

I hope you feel better soon.

Take care. :)

Love shogal xxx

25-01-07, 10:21
Hi Jarvis,

I have the crackling noise too in my neck when I move it up and down or side to side and sometimes even without moving it and it used to really worry me. I saw a physio last week and he told me it is the release of gas in the joint, really common and absolutley 100 per cent nothing to worry about. Your headache and other symptoms sound identical to mine and I have had a CT scan which was perfectly clear. Have you thought about asking for a scan to help reassure you? It doesn't sound like you need one at all but it can help with dealing with the anxiety.

"This too shall pass"

25-01-07, 10:35
Hi Jarvis

I also have the cracking in my neck. Doctor thought it could be Arthritis. It causes horrendous headaches which take some getting rid of and dizziness also. Please don't worry you have a brain tumour. My mum had this so i know the symptoms and nothing you describe is anything like that.
Take care

26-01-07, 16:25
Hi it does sound to me like anxiety/stress i had a headache nearly every day tha t no amount of painkillers would touch also crackling in my ears and blurred vision and boodshot eyes all doctor could say was stess anxiety took months to go sometimes still get the headaches now take care carol