View Full Version : Worried about my mum - back pain

10-05-15, 19:10
Hi everyone. Im really worried about my mum at the moment. She has been suffering from a bad back at the moment and she finally went to see a chiropractor on friday who checked her out and has told her to go for a pelvic xray this week and then go back and see her friday as she thinks it could be a pelvic problem and im terrified its a tumour causing it as shes had it ages and its not getting any better. Im terrified im going to lose her. I feel sick with worry. has anyone had back problems? Shes 56 and smokes and is a heavy drinker so i know shes high risk of getting cancer. Any reassurance? im really close with my mum and feeling really scared.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

10-05-15, 19:21
Hi Louise,

Sorry to hear you're worrying about your mum. I can't advise on what this could be i have no idea, i have had back problems for years but probably very different to this mine was a herniated disc in the lower back.

Does she have a lot of pain in the back or any other symptoms? You need to be positive that she has had it checked and is having tests done so no matter what it is it will be treated. Does your mum know how worried you are is she as worried as you?

Gary A
10-05-15, 20:42
Highly unlikely to be a tumour. The chiropractor probably suspects some kind of structural problem, hence the request for an X-Ray of the area. If they suspected a tumour they'd more than likely refer your mother for blood tests and even biopsy of the area.

Chances are it's structural, possibly the early onset of arthritis. Try not to worry too much, although I do understand, I'm close to my parents and I worry about their health more than I do my own.

Keep us posted with any results etc.

11-05-15, 08:05
i dont want my mum to know how worried i am as i dont want to maker her worry more ir scare her. Shes seems to be quite worried though and she just hasnt seemed herself. I will keep u all posted. I really hope it might just be a structural problem. Do you think the chiropractor would be able to detect possible cancer?

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

11-05-15, 09:06
I agree with Gary Louise. Try not to worry and keep in touch:hugs:

11-05-15, 15:52
hope she gets on on let us no x

12-05-15, 18:43
Hey. My mum had her xray today and i guess she will get the results on friday when she sees the chiropractor. Im just feeling so depressed as im convinced its serious and i just dont know what to do. On friday im gonna a complete wreck and ive also got a smear test on fri so im freaking about wat my results could be. I just feel so down and upset.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

12-05-15, 19:22

When I saw this post, my heart literally skipped a beat I can't even explain it. I worry about my mum so much! Even if she has the slightest headache I think she has a brain tumour. I thought I was the only one who worried like this.. it's hard, I know but just try and think positive. I'm sure she'll be fine :)


13-05-15, 12:32
Hi toby. Glad to know im not the only one worrying about their mum. Its so difficult to stay positive. Im just convinced this will be serious, i read on the nhs website that back pain is rarely a sign of a serious condition which is something. It just worries me that shes had it a quite a while and didnt see a doctor as she just thought it was to do with her job but im just so worried she wasted so much time.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxx

18-05-15, 13:56
Hey everyone. Just to let you know my mum saw chiropractor friday and she got her xray results and thefe is a few problems with her back but nothing serious. I just wanna say thanks for the reassurance. I really appreciate it.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

18-05-15, 14:42
Glad things are ok x

18-05-15, 22:35

That's good news! I'm pleased to read that.

I'd also say don't worry too much about what happens with your mum. Enjoy every minute with her more than worry about her. My mum died suddenly quite young. Just enjoy every minute.