View Full Version : Head vibration dizzyness

10-05-15, 21:52
I've had this from time to time over the years and wondered if other anxiety sufferers have also experienced it or if it's caused by anxiety...

Basically for a second up to 5 seconds my head feels like it's buzzing strongly and I get very dizzy and light headed..like I'm about to faint,
I dunno if my eyes flitting cause it or something else but it recently seems to last longer than it used to.

Anyone else get this?

12-05-15, 05:28
Absolutely yes. I had this feeling before I was having panic attacks. It would hit fast and leave fast. Then my first panic attack was when the lightheadedness lasted longer than usual and convinced me I was dying. It lasted half an hour! In the back of my mind I always worried they were seizures which didn't help the panic.

I don't know what it is but it's anxiety related. I think It might be attacks that never become full blown. What is your breathing like? I always described it as a buzzing... I would cry that I had no idea how to explain it mostly. Does it feel like a vibration?

12-05-15, 06:39
Yeah the vibration is very short lived. Like looking at something and looking away quickly as if the eyes are juddering.
Maybe a second or less but then obviously there's the adrenaline rush from panic or at the very least anxiety afterward.
I can be light headed for a while after but the actual buzzing or vibration is only very brief.

I never seem to get them during a panic episode but just at random times..not sure if it's fatigue or something else.

As said I've had them for years but I did wonder if other people get them as part of an anxious disorder too.

Thanks for the reply.