View Full Version : My body's gone haywire

10-05-15, 21:53
I haven't had a flare-up of serious health anxiety for almost two years now (the last one was the worst ever, but medication helped) so of course this latest fit of it (plus symptoms to cause it) is happening when I don't have any medical coverage (moved to Canada from the UK, still waiting to get on the medical services plan).

I've had digestive problems, a bad back, and other issues for several years now (I'm 27), but all at once they're worse than ever. I have several large lumps in my lower back - I assumed they were tense muscles or "back mice" (which people I know have had), but they're worse than ever, and I've suddenly decided that they MUST be cancerous. In addition, my feet keep going numb and tingling, as do a few fingers on my left hand; I also have a really tender spot on the side of my left rib. I keep getting sharp, throbbing pain just in front of my ear whenever I turn my head (the underside of my jaw is also tender on that side).

Logic tells me that the back mice are causing the foot numbness, and tension in my shoulders/jaw is causing my TMJ to flare up in new and unusual ways. The numb fingers are also caused by all the tension in my body (or possibly a trapped nerve or something on my ribcage where the tender spot is), and my health anxiety is making me even more stressed out, which makes me tense up even more.

Or.... or, it could be something horrible. It could be. I'm in constant pain, weird pain, and I have no idea if it's normal. I don't know when I'm going to be able to actually go see a doctor about it, either. All I can do is poke at my body, and worry; it takes up all of my energy.

11-05-15, 08:20
Well, the shooting pain is gone, and the numbness in my hand is almost definitely just an elbow thing. I'm trying to stay positive.